To promote the youthwork in Riga 1 we have now put up a one way website where the youthgroup leaders will be blogging about the youthmeetings and their Christian walk.
It is really exciting when the youth are doing all the work, it always end up better than I could have done it …
Check out the website here
Wee. Me-sa likes drooopal 🙂
Good to see that you are using technology in a good way over there! I Wish my Latvian was a bit better though… *cough*
Well, I just copied a page out of your book, just wished Drupal had existed back when I wrote and rewrote the powerlife code first in ASP later in php3 and finally Timothy in php4 ….
Drupal is sooo easy … I found some nifty modules you might wanna look at 🙂
Looks good 🙂 No idea what it says, though, but I certainly like the idea of getting everyone involved.