As I was driving to Bauska today for a longsword workshop I was passed by a Lexus doing at least double my speed. On the license plate was the tantalizing message “NOT4YOU”
Isn’t it just a typical sign of todays society, the here but not any further mentality. It’s the I am better than you attitude….
The funny thing is this has been in our heritage as well. The holiest of holy in the temple in Jerusalem must have had a similar sign saying “NOT4YOU”. And the Rabbis that entered had a very I am holier than thou look on their faces as they where let through to meet with God.
But it is such a joy to be the follower of Jesus. He who had “YES4YOU” on a plate stuck on the cross where He strethced out His arms and died for our collective sins, yours and mine. As he died the divide in the temple broke so that everyone could see into the Holy of Holies.
We can boldly say to any one who asks, – Yes for you!