Ok, so we are settling into some semblance of routine, but no matter how we try our life keeps getting interrupted by all these attacks. First the car and loosing all our favorite worship albums (our complete Delirious? collection) Then we all get sick, starts out as a cold but pretty soon it is obvious…
Despite Salvation Army assurance that they never had a break in in their parking lot the second weekend here our car got broken into. This is our second break in since Christmas. This time they drilled up the door so the driver seat lock is completely busted. They stole the car stereo and all our…
Ok, enough ranting allready time for some of the good sides of Latvia to show, one of them obviously is the food. So last night we ordered Pizza or Pica as it is called in Latvian due to some language problem apparantly we got a familly size pizza. But it was all well seeing that…
Just as we thought we where getting used to the latvian climate the REAL winter kicked in. Hanna and Angelina are both home sick and I am at the office holding on to my health as best I can. The temperatures outside is between -15 and -20 and if you count windchill factors we are…
Been here a week now and our accomodations have gone from bad to worse, apart from being very old dirty and alltogether run down the whole church is rented out all the time. This means tha we are awoken by people praying at seven in the morning now if it was taize I guess we…
Second night in Latvia we arrive to our little hideout only to find that a Russian congregation have invaded the church hall and holding a charismatic meeting outside our bedroom door. Angelina decides after a short spell of shyness to join in the meeting. As the meeting is nearing its end people are falling to…
Four years after our first trip to Latvia we are finally back and ready to get to work. The trip was uneventful, with the ferry between Kappelskär and Paldiski being the lowpoint with cabins that reeked of smoke and previous parties. Now at least we are here The place we are staying is falling apart…