Today the territorial candidates council met in england. They decided that Me and Hanna are now accepted for training at William Booth College starting September 2007 with the “Witnesses for Christ”‘

Even if I partly expected this outcome it is still a load off to finally have the official answer, now we can move ahead with all our plans. Time to organize movers, budgets, CSN and all those other things required for moving to yet another country!

/me does a little silly dance of joy, London here we come!

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Eleanor Burne-Jones

May it be for a blessing! :0)


As I said in the office: Hurrah!

We’re both really pleased for you and you know you will be welcome to visit, wherever it is we will be living come August/September!


Hey! Congrats! Blessings to you and your family!

Mackan Andersson

Sooooo happy for you guys!

Blessed be! We’ll keep praying for you, and thanking God that not only we met you, but that He, in His infinite wisdom and goodness sends you out into mission.

Love you. All of you.

(Soooo sad we won’t see eachother at the Zone, this year. You guys will SO miss out on the Jason Clark seminar. And some really good coffee.)

Pia M. Olterman

Varma gratulationer till er alla, vi ses i London!
Mamma o Farmor Pia

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