Last night I passed the mythical 50.000 word mark on my novel S-tech – Soul Filter. The novel is not yet finished although it is definitely on the last stretch. The few who have read the first part of the book are asking for more so I guess I need to decide whether I should release the whole thing on the internet or if I should go through the whole editing and publishing process. It feels strange to have actually gotten this far and in such a short time but I am convinced that without the pressure of the contest, I would not have found the time to do it.
So, I am hoping to finish up first draft before the new year then it’s proofing, editing tomproduce a final draft. And then finally some form of publishing whether that means sending the draft to publishers or releasing an ebook for download either on amazon or here.
If you been down this road I’d appreciate tips or just a cheerful pat on the back.