A friend of mine commented on a post that I wrote saying that it sounded like a request for affirmation. I responded that while I am not aware that I am looking for that affirmation I think that it is crucial for us as humans to be validated, to be affirmed. What we need is permission.

Permission to live fully
Permission to be who we are deep down inside
Permission to feel deeply
Permission to express those feelings
Permission to be vulnerable
Permission to laugh
Permission to play
Permission to cry
Permission to be angry
Permission to be joyous
Permission to be glorious
Permission to be amazing
Permission to be radiant
Permission to be broken
Permission to not be finished
Permission to experiment with life
Permission to change our minds
Permission to fail
Permission to succeed
Permission to take of the mask
Permission to
Permission to be extroverts
Permission to be introverts
Permission to be sexual
Permission to be sensual
Permission to be spiritual
Permission to be women
Permission to be men
Permission to be me

In the Christian community we need this more than anything, and I think it might also be true in society at large.

The question is who has the authority to grant us this permission. Truthfully, only you can give yourself permission to be you! Yes, it is extremely helpful to be in a community of people who will accept and love you just as you are, but in the end you are the only one who can permit yourself to be you.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss

We often hold others responsible for not letting us be free, but the prison cell we are in is often of our own making, there is no key to the door…. but the door is not locked!

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