How I became a queer theologian a desert journey

This entry is part 1 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

Last week my friend Samuel decided to reblog one of my posts on LGBTQ and the church. Promptly someone questioned if I really had written the piece as I had taught a very different gospel at said persons confirmation camp. I had to reply that I have been (am still) on a long theological pilgrimage. […]

erotic body

The centrality of sexuality

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

Why is this such a big deal? Why does it matter? It should be a non issue! This is what both right wing and left wing, conservatives and liberals are saying all over the place. In churches people are taught that their sexuality, while important, is not essential. Sexuality does not define you, or who […]

Cupid with bow hearts

Meeting an adulterous god

This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

I don’t know how I never saw it; One of the tenets of classical biblicism is faithfulness, I mean I even have it tattooed on my body, inked onto my skin so as to never forget. It is a label given to me by the voice of god on top of a mountain in wales. […]

Sex as a sacrament.

This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

There was this praise song on my favorite worship album, it always bugged me. “Take me, I am yours”, the woman sang with such throaty passion that it sounded almost sexual, indecent. I mentioned it once to a friend who told me, it’s just your perverted mind that hears it like that. I never broach […]

Getting down and dirty with god.

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

“God is not sexual” my friend stated matter-of-factly. It is odd that he did because he also does not believe in god. How the god he does not believe in can be, or not be, anything is beyond me. It is a common notion though to separate the divine from the worldly. It is even […]

Who is queer?

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

I am not underprivileged, marginalised or persecuted in any ways. I am a Caucasian, heterosexual male with a DipHE in Theology and Mission. I am employed as a full time minister, doing what I love to do: to teach theology; to build and nurture relationships; to be a sign towards a mystery I may never […]

Jesus in drag

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

Why are you doing this? Why do you take such an interest in the LGBTQ and sexuality? The question has been asked of me many times. By my leaders, by the people in my congregation and by my family. In fact I think it was my brother who asked the million dollar question one day […]

Sex at dawn …

This entry is part 8 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

I have just finished reading Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan. It may be the first time in a long while that I read a book that so persuasively and thouroughly deconstructs one of the often unspoken meta-narratives of our contemporary culture, namely the hetero-normative monogamy centred narrative of human sexuality. I also realize that this […]

In god’s queer image …

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

A dear friend and mentor wrote: You ask whether your post will make you an outcast from the Christian community. I hope it does not because we could do with a dose of clear thinking, careful theological reflection, and honesty on this subject, and others. Of course, the Christian community cannot bear such questions because, […]

The sacrament of coming out of the closet …

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

The biggest problem with wearing a mask is that as long as we wear it only the mask receives love. The psychology is as simple as it is diabolical, I know that what I am presenting is not real me, therefore I also know that the person you are loving is not really the real […]

The omniamourous god.

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

As soon as you say the words: god is love, some people make a face and sigh. The notion is that when you speak about god as love and when you talk about grace, it is a sign that you have gone soft. Implying that you have compromised the “high standards” of Christian living and […]

Marriage is meaningless …

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

After years of deconstructing both my worldview, my faith, my theology, my sexuality and every other aspect of my faith I have come to this conclusion (among many others to be sure), marriage is meaningless. Marriage has meant many different things in many different times and many different cultures. Most of the time marriage has […]

The big masturbation post

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

Not so long ago I sat in a room with a group of young Christians, no longer teenagers but rather young adults. We where talking about the bible and Jesus. Was it possible that Jesus could have sinned and what does it mean that Jesus felt every human emotion, did he then lust? Masturbate? The […]