I was told last week that the “iPod Generation” consists of people ages 18-34. This disqualifies me since i turned 35 last wekk. What am I to do then when my wonderful wife bought me a brand new iPod nano, a red one? Well I guess the least I can do is make a cartoon,…
As time marches on we struggle to meet deadlines on essays and collectaneas and other assignments. If we are not working on an assignment then we are preparing a sermon or a meeting plan. The assignments range widely between biblical studies, pastoral care and mission studies. Because of the difference in subject the styles of…
It has been a few really hectic weeks here at WBC, as the officer training course relentlessly moves, we try our best to keep up with the demands of full time academic studies. We are handing in work every Friday (or Thursday if it is a preaching for placement) and it seems we will continue…
As time marches on here at William Booth College we are finally getting some of our papers back. Overall we are both doing good but I think that for Hanna the highlight of the month was getting our new testament papers back. I managed to write a “very good” essay while Hanna’s came back as…