How could I not fall as I teetered at the brink of your soul How could I resist a heart as open as yours How could I not awaken at the gentle touch of your hand You uncovered my soul You read my deepest secrets as if they were written on my skin You sailed…
This is a blog post that should not need to be written. Art and artistic expression has been part of the church since it’s inception. And while art often is a physical expression (but not always, for example poetry) it is not carnal as defined by the false dichotomy of carnal/spiritual or materialistic as in…
How can I describe your presence, I can’t, I won’t There is nothing that compares to it. Words would taint it, sully it, how can I do that to you. But, what else can I talk about, there is nothing else worth mentioning. It is the sweet darkness of death, the insensitive stark light of…