When our TC Hasse Kjellgren was here a little while ago, he gave us a word from Zeph 3:17 and today Stuart stood up in service and told us that God had said to him, I delight in you.
This is hard to accept for a sinner like me, I look at myself and I do not see why the Creator of the universe, the King of kings, the Lord of lords would delight in me let alone think anything of me. I echo the words of the psalmist, who am I?
Then God in His endless love impressed the truth upon me, it is not because of who I am that He delights in me, but because of who He is. Like it says in 1 Cor 13:7 God always trusts in us, always hopes for us always perseveres in His love for us, no matter what we do. This is why Paul could write ” I am convinced … [that] nothing can separate us from the love of God” (Rom 8:37,38)
So I leave you with the kind reminder of Hasse Kjellgren as he parafrases Gods word…
God looks at you, nods and smiles!