I just got a phonecall I have been waiting for, for some time now. The official response from the Salvation Army Officers school assesment conference.
We have been accepted for Officers training and will if all goes well start our training in the fall 2007 in London Where we would be trained for two years before returning to Sweden for our appointment.
This have been long coming and we have been going back and forth on this so many times since we joined the army that now when the moment is finally here, it is with a mix of excitement and dread that we take the next step towards the high calling God has before us.
Please pray for us!
GRATTIS!! Så härligt att höra! Gud välsigne er!
YES!! GRATTIS!! Kul att höra. Gud välsigne Er!
Grattis o jag lovar att be för er. Gud ska välsigna och utrusta sina tjänare.
*instämmer i gratulationsropen* 🙂
Ber för er!
Guds frid
jag ser fram emot att få se och ta del av er “salvationism” 😉
Spännande! Go for it! Hörde att Sara Johannesson skulle besöka er framöver. Vi har just fått reda på att vi skall få en lillebror till Calle. Var på ultraljud här i Köpenhamn igår.
Many thanx for all your congratulations and prayers …. keep the prayers coming we really need them!
Hej Oltermans!
Stort Grattis!
Guds välsignelser!
Hälsningar Joakim Storck
Praise the Lord. We were accepted not that long ago to CFOT instead of going straight to Europe as Lay re-inforcement. So I know how you’re feeling.
God bless and all the best.
I can’t say I am excited about your leaving Latvia, but I am excited about what God has planned for your future – where ever it may be. Congratulations! Betty