Love, Sex, God

Assessment conference, London

I managed to sneak of to a computer with internet connection. The whole family are right now at Sunbury Court in London being assessed for officership. Not a minute is wasted as we are ushered from interview to interview and having to write several papers on theological subjects. It feels rather like an exam week to wich we have come totally unprepared and with two demanding children, who are being fantastic no matter the stress and wierdness going on around them.

Hanna is practically blossoming as she is finding out her strengths and taking charge of her situation,  not that anyone who knows Hanna would ever argue this, but I don’t think anyone who have been with her this weekend could argue that she is her in her own right and no metter how good speaker I might be I can never match the exhuberance and power that she carries when she is walking one with the spirit!

We spent the first day at William Booth college, and it felt like walking across a little piece of heaven in the midst of the busy London around, rather like Harry Potter (This one is for you Neil) would have felt stepping from the busy street into Diagon Alley, a completely different world in the middle of London. 

It was awe inspiring to step into the assembly hall and look at the proud flags boasting the session names of the cadet rings that have gone before, the memory and legacy of 10.000 movers and shakers, the officers whom have gone before us.

Please pray for us as we are embarking on this journey starting with this weekend wich might very well be one of the most important weekends of our life.

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