Yesterday I was struck with this thought, All our corps have such a large base of volonteers and people freely giving funds to our work and yet we have so little impact on the community around us.
I am talking about the local corps here and not the Army as a whole. When I worked for the Guardian Angels we had a much bigger impact on the local community with just a handful of teenagers now I ask myself what is the difference?
Well here is what the Angels did….
- Most of the Angels time was spent on the streets in uniform, giving the community at least 20 hours exposure a week to our uniformed presence.
- The angels where well trained in basic communication skills. Say hello to everyone you meet. At any opportunity give the ABC rap (ABC rap was a basic pitch of who we are, what we do, and how you can support)
- The angels where 100% dependant on the support of the local community (that is where the money and food came from)
- Every Angels was made to feel like they where super heroes when they donned the uniform therefore they acted like super heroes.
- The full time volonteers worked full time with no pay and where motivated by their passion alone.
- The Angels where always in the press, running press campaigns against injustice and violence all the time even after the first hype had died down.
These are some of the things that made the Angels successful I wonder what we could use in the SA corps to make an equal impact in our community.
i was thinking about the same thing
but how to find a time for all this??
thats a bib question…
but thats a realy good idea and i whould be happy to discust it more and do something more
i feel that that`s the thing we whould have to do all the time
yeah we should discust it!!!…