In our small group yesterday we watched Swing kids to provoke our thoughts on what [[loyalty]] is and what it means. The movie is about a group of teenagers who like swing music at the rise of Hitlers reign in germany. And the teenagers have to choose between going with the mainstream and becoming hitler jugend or staying rebels with risk of persecution. They also had to choose between politically correct and family.
As such it is a great movie but it takes the concept of loyalty one step further. Do you stay loyal in your heart and pretend to be part of the world or do you wear your loyalty proudly and shout it from the rooftops?
What kind of Christians are we? Are we the kind of Christians who in the face of possible persecution will wear our colors and shout out our allegience to God like Daniel and his friends in Babylon, like the disciples of Jesus after pentecost or are we scared and powerless in hiding?
I for one will proudly wear my uniform, shout out on the streets that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And I pray that I will not only be loyal to my Faith but I will proudly display my allegience to God in the face of anything and anyone!
I will wear my uniform proudly on the streets of Godalming and wherever else the Lord sends me, being a light in the darkness that proclaims the gospel of our Lord!
I find it interesting that We as christians in the West, stress “mission” and “evangelism” so much when we meet at conferences, but so seldom talk about loyalty.
Now, I am a BIG fan of mission and evangelism (as Patrik might know), but I fear that we foster christians, and especially young christians, to “do mission” or “do evangelism” for up-to-six months and then return to an “ordinary” life, instead of helping them find their calling in The Great Mission, and stay true to that for the rest of their life.
We talk a lot about victories, and we speak very silently about martyrdom.
As if we allways assume that if the going gets tough, we can bail out. We are only “in it” temporarily, anyway.
Isn’t it amazing that persecution is such a small issue here in the Western Europe, and still we are almost afraid that our faith might be offensive to someone, so we keep as quiet as possible? But the persecuted Church is so victorious?
What can we learn from our brethren in Asia, the Middle East and parts of Latin America?
P, did you see the tattoo? Now, I “wear uniform” 24/7, for the rest of my life 🙂 (And it has given me half a dozen opportunities to witness, during it’s first 10 days… So it works, too 🙂 )
Mackan as always you are right on the money!
I have always been of the “Be loud, be proud, be a cartoon character” persuasion. It scares the living daylights out of some people but there you go.
Either your in it, and you are all the way in it, or you are not in it at all. The passage from revelation where Jesus states that God will spew out the lukewarm church out of His mouth needs to be read and reread by todays western Christians!
It is time to step up on the barricades and stop hiding in the bunker we call church!