Continuing the conversation about the mature and immature feminine and masculine. I will start looking at the masculine. In todays society we have a lot of the immature masculine going around. In fact there is a public caricature of what the masculine is that is solely based on the immature masculine and so for boys…
I have been putting of writing this post for nearly a week now, I get both uneasy and angry just by thinking about it. Stephen Court wrote the following in his blog the other day: Evangelicals Encouraging Contraception for Singles? It turns out that 80% of American Evangelicals are going to hell. That is, they admit…
A few days ago I was talking to a friend who was showing of a beautiful griffon inked on her arm, I let slip that next time we’d see each other I would be branded, she looked at me nonplussed and said “you have always been branded”. I was stunned into silence by the truth…
First I read it on facebook, then I read it on twitter, and then a whole blog post describing how I got beaten in the Schola at my own game (ground fighting). I get a bit bewildered at this, what’s the big deal? But I realise that I have been there to, when you are…
Do you need faith in god to be a knight? The question was asked on my youtube channel. The simple answer is yes and no! You must have faith to be a knight! Faith is one of the Knightly virtues and there can be no Knighthood without faith. How will you be able to believe…
Transparency is a buzzword in todays world and especially in the emergent circles. As a church we need to be transparent and as Christians we need to be transparent so that people can know that we are what we say we are and of course to battle all prejudice against both Christian faith and Christian…
Names are powerful things especially when they describe you well. In the Bible names where given to reflect the parents hope or their expectations. In all sorts of warrior cultures names where given to describe a warriors prowess and aptitude or a name was given for the warrior to grow into. In the Guardian Angels…
I have long been peeking at Crazy Monkey Defence, as any faithful reader of this blog will know. I am attracted to CMD as a martial system not only due to it’s effectiveness but mostly due to its philosophy. The founder of CMD, Rodney King have just posted this article on the way of the…
I have a brand new Macbook Pro, I had the older model that I bought just a few weeks before they released the new model. It was a great machine, great specs, great performance. But as the new model came out I got really sad. My machine was still a great machine but not as…
IMG_8545 Originally uploaded by gilbertdeschamps Last week I was asked by one of my students, why do I need to sword fight? The question was asked with the implication: as a Christian, why should I spend my time on this. The short answer was of course ‘You don’t!’ but as with everything, there is more…
It’s that time of year again, to don our towels and march out proudly and celebrate Intergalactic towel day! The [[Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy]] makes the following statement about towels A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value –…
I found this quote here, and it really spoke to me, it is the core beliefs of Opus Dei,1 Whatever one is to think of Opus Dei this statement rings true to me. This would be how I see holiness, and as I see Knighthood as being a holy warrior this quote illuminates the way…
At the sunday meeting of our SSG & WSD camp we had Anjas dedication service held by Captain Artūrs Baltacis. It was a beautiful ceremony where we where all dressed in the medieval clothes appropriate for the event and with the Salvation Army Flag held high to tie the ceremony into the “Real world”. Colin…
At the WMA Camp 2007 we had the great honour of awarding the order of the disciple Knight to Colin “Gabriel” Hatcher who is now the First Knight of the order. We had a small but powerful Knighting ceremony at the last day of the camp where Gabriel was dubbed. Later in the Ceremony Gabriel…
Today we finished of the WSD instructors course and ended our WSD – Womens self defence course with a graduation of our students. they all exceeded my expectations and showed unprecedented feats of warrior spirit, prowess and plain old whoop *ss! (pardon my french) So today I prodly present three new Compagnos, one new Scholar0…
Here is the next installment of the Chivalric virtues series, this time we are talking about generosity. Maybe in a much broader or deeper sense than what the word is usually assosiated with, but I think this is a core value in chivalry as well as in Christian life…. Please let me know what you…
In our small group yesterday we watched Swing kids to provoke our thoughts on what [[loyalty]] is and what it means. The movie is about a group of teenagers who like swing music at the rise of Hitlers reign in germany. And the teenagers have to choose between going with the mainstream and becoming hitler…
Here is the Knightschool talk on Loyalty posted on Youtube for your pleasure! [gv data=”″][/gv]
As we are moving forward in our development of our WSD school we looked in to the issue of belts, and have decided that instead of the special belts made by Schola Saint George we will use ordinary Martial Arts belts with a specialized knot to give it a WMA styled look. This way any…
Here is the Knightschool talk on honour, I think I will have to come back to this one as it is a very big subject. [gv data=”″][/gv]
We are looking into courage in the knightschool and in SSG Riga we are starting to spar. For sparring a certain amount of courage is needed. The Lion in the Fiore system symbolises the bravery, courage and the chivalrous virtue of the fighter. In the segno the Lion holds a heart and it is my…
Since we are diving deep into the virtue of Courage this week the first challenge of Courage was to confess deep dark secrets to a sister or brother of faith. I have to tip my hat to all the Squires of the Knightschool who faced this challenege with such bravado. Not only did they decide…