It is Saturday night, I am standing at the camp fire talking to some men about how it came to be that I went to Bootcamp. I tell the story of how I came by the book (“Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul” (John Eldredge)) quite by accident and how God had told me to set up a mens ministry to heal and recover broken hearts.
Wait a minute “God told me”!!??
The minute I get home to Malmö again I look up my old Journal and read the following under July 30 2008:
This is it! On the train this morning I believe God called me, he called me out specifically to raise up a ministry for men, healing and recovering their broken hearts
Everything I have lived through in my life has primed me for this one task. My childhood, the angels, my preaching ministry (Beauty, Warriors, Joy). Even the trouble and miserable failings we have had in our marriage.
All this is qualifying me uniquely to embark on this mission.
Ande the upside is that it does not matter where they put me, it does not matter if we plant or lead a corps, city or countryside or even what country. I can do this anywhere.
Hanna said: “And it will heal you on the way” How true! She is a gift from God.
As of today I am no longer a youth worker or a youth minister (I will minister to youth still) I am a Pastor on a mission to rescue mens hearts.
How did this get lost, I mean, it is still on the agenda, it is still on the list of things to do. But how did this go from being the call of God and my primary mission to a thing that I will get to whenever I find the time?
Could it be that the enemy fears this mission and would have me put it of as long as possible, de-prioritise and most of all forget that it is God that commissioned me, commissioned this work.
Love your passion man…and yes the enemy is a thief…and loves to steal living seed most of all. Maximum leverage for the Kingdom is with men. Maybe take a visit to my site Also a new book that I know you'd dive into, Called to War ( getting a bunch of reviews that it is the new Wild at Heart (a monster book that rocked my world).