This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series How I became a Queer Theologian

A dear friend and mentor wrote:

You ask whether your post will make you an outcast from the Christian community. I hope it does not because we could do with a dose of clear thinking, careful theological reflection, and honesty on this subject, and others.

Of course, the Christian community cannot bear such questions because, if we could answer the question honestly, we might discover that we’re just as queer as each other, in one way or another. However, that corporate testimony would lead to a serious theological question: What kind of a god would allow his creatures to be so screwed up? And it has to be God who shoulders that level of responsibility, because Adam and Eve are in no way big enough to do so. So, we keep our queernesses in the cupboard, because we cannot bear to encounter a God who, for all we know, has made us in his own queer image.
This comment is so on the money. We are afraid and in our fear we paint the other as the monster because we are afraid anyone will discover the monster in us.
This will of course lead to the other implication: this god, in who’s image we are created, what kind of wild and dangerous god is this?
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