Before you “come out” as a LGBTQ ally in church…

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series LGBTQ and the church

I am watching a fellow Salvationist lament on the LGBTQ oppressive teaching they are getting at a Salvation Army event. I grieve with here and cringe inwardly at the damage being done in yet another Bible study where no consideration is being given to the possibility of HBTQ people in the room.

At the same time I remember the cost and the pain of “coming out” as a LGBTQ ally in the Swedish part of the Salvation Army. To that end I have a short list detailing a few things to consider before “coming out”.

  • Are you willing to risk your friendships over this issue?
  • Are you willing to risk your livelihood over this issue?
  • Have you wrestled with the scriptures and found a secure place to stand?
  • Have you wrestled with your own sexuality and are you confident in where you stand?
  • Have you spoken with your closest colleagues, friends and family that might also be impacted by your stand?
  • Do you have a support network of people around you to ride out the storm with?

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for speaking up and taking a stand, but I urge you to find secure footing first, to find support and most importantly to truly reflect on the consequences to your faith, theology, relationships and work situation. In other words: count the cost before “coming out” so that when you to, you are ready.

Lastly, when you do, know that you are not alone!

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Timothy McPherson

These are very wise words. Often I feel the need to speak out, but this reinforces my need to also be grounded in my knowledge.

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