LGBTQ part 10 – Recommended reading

This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series LGBTQ and the church

Recommended reading

Andrew Marin – Love as an Orientation – Elevating the conversation with the gay community. (Paperback – Amazon UKKindle International)

Jay Bakker – Fall to grace – A Revolution of God, Self & Society (Hardcover – Amazon UKKindle international)

Walter Wink – Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of conscience for the churches  (Paperback – Amzon UKKindle International)

Jesper Svartvik – Bibeltolkningens bakgator – Synen på judar, slavar och homosexuella i historia och nutid. Swedish (Adlibris)


Caputo, John D.
2007 What would Jesus deconstruct – The good news of post-modernism to the church.
Baker Academic: Grand Rapids

Childress, James & Macquarrie, John (Eds.)
1967 A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics.
SCM: London

Manning, Brennan
2008 A Ragamuffin gospel  (Kindle edition)
Multnomah Books: Colorado Springs

Marin, Andrew
2009 Love as an Orientation – Elevating the conversation with the gay community.
IVP:Downers Grove

Svartvik, Jesper
2006 Bibeltolkningens bakgator – Synen på judar, slavar och homosexuella i historia och nutid.
Verbum: Stockholm

Wink, Walter
1999 Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of conscience for the churches  (Kindle Edition) Fortress Press: Mineapolis

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