Olterman family win the Bronze!

Today is our eigth wedding anniversary. It is a miracle that we have made it this far. It also fills me with awe and wonder. If we can handle all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes and a sea of troubles, then there is nothing we cannot take on.

Marriage is a battlefield on wich your honor is tested every day. Unlike the list field where you have a short test of prowess, honor and largesse. Marriage mounts a full scale assault on your kindness, patience and most of all honor twentyfour hours a day, seven days of the week. It is no wonder Paul the apostle uses a happy marriage as a qualifying trait for leadership of the early church. If you can win the battle of marriage, there is no battlefield you cannot conquer.

I am not writing this as if I have attained the prize, as if we have made it, but we have gotten this far and we are fighting on to make it. Yes we have lost some batlles but we have won countless more. I hope that one day we can say that we fought the good fight all the way, we stuck together we won the war!

I pray that one day we will look at our marriage and say that we fought the battle with prowess, courage, honesty, loyalty, generosity, faith, courtesy, nobility.

I also pray, that every day, I will bring honor to my Lady!


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