Today we where visited shortly by Vic and Rose Poke whom held a short prayer at our coffe break. The word God had for us was from Isaiah 43:5 “Fear not, for I am with you…”
And while most of us may shrug that of as something obvious I was struck by the incredible power of that simple fact. God is with us, all the time, everywhere, He walks with us and talks with us, we can hear His voice daily and absorb His presence, His Shekina1 What an awsome promise, what a sweet declaration of Love (Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 43:4).
Faith is an awesome power, to be certain of things not seen, to know that God is with us and therefore we can walk fearless, no wonder Faith is one of the Knightly virtues. It gives us the power to stand up against injustice even though our voice might be the only one shouting, it gives us the power to walk tall against the stream because we know that even though it might look like it, we do not walk alone.
Fear not, God is with you today!
- Shekina, the hebrew word for the radiance, the glory of God [↩]