Sitting here and mulling over my many impressions and conversations at this weeks conference (Piratkyrkan bibel – 2012). One conversation keep coming back. Saturday night we had a small conversation about Glossolalia, speaking in tongues. It is my belief that everyone can speak in tongues, as I find it hard to believe Paul would express…
I was woken up in the middle of the night by our phone ringing of the hook. It was 5 AM and all the lights in the living room where blinking, then all went dead and we where without electricity. We woke up in the morning and the flat was cold and dark. I couldn’t…
It is amazing how God deals with us. Today I was stood in the kitchen washing dishes when it came to me that God has truly been healing me the last week, the last month, but then I realized that it was not just healing it was forgiveness, and the healing that comes from realizing…