So today we had a visit from our TC, Hasse Kjellgren. One of the topics that was discussed was uniform, some people got agitated because they like the uniform and some got angry because the uniform should not be a big deal and therefore, a waste of time to discuss.
The argument for the uniform is usually that it gives us visibility and therefore is a tool by wich we can reach the lost. The argument against is usually, it’s old fashioned it turns people away (especially young people).
I have a special relationship with uniforms that was fashioned during a decade of everyday uniform wearing. The guardian angel uniform (a red beret, white T-shirt or hood with logo on and BDU trousers black or camoflage) is a firld uniform and not a parade uniform like the formal uniform of the salvation army, but contrary to the field uniform issued in for example sweden and england, wich comes in many different models and colors it was a uniform uniform.
When I saw the first article i the local newspaper I thought, wow they are cool, I wan’t to look like that. I immediately applied and started the hard physical and mental training to become a Guardian Angel – Safety Patrol member or “safety” as it was called for short. The training was hard no compromise was allowed, if you even looked like you broke the rules (No weapons, no alcohol in uniform, no rasism, no violence, disobeying orders or disrespecting members, leaders or anybody at all in uniform) you where out the door. After two months of hard training that would make navy boot camp seem soft, some where given RTP status. Ready to patrol what a lovely day that was first time we got to don the beret. It was not full membership we had to wear a modified version of the “colors” (the uniform) where the words “Safety patrol” where replaced with the words “I Support”. It was surreal I was walking down the street a vortex of feelings, fear, mixed with pride, self conciousnes and many others. Everybody gawked at us as we walked down the streets, conversations died out, heads turned.
I remember our trainer saying today you will put on the uniform of the Guardian Angels, In these uniforms people have died to defend the weak and defenseless, today you will get the respect due to all the work the Angels have done all over the world, maybe one day you will deserve it.
I remember putting on the uniform with reverence (looking at pictures from back then I know I looked like an idiot, it took me at least 5 years before the uniform looked good on me, as I had become the man the uniform said I was). I saw how the body language and mindsets of my friends changed when they put the uniform on. Bullies became compassionate, scared geeks became full of confidence and strength. The uniform was more than clothes it was the symbol for justice and non violence, a symbol for all the blood sweat and tears of our training, a symbol for a better world than the one we lived in and it gave us courage and super powers. In this uniform I have seen a 16 year old girl half my height stop a hells angel dead in his tracks with a command. I have seen how teenagers have run in and covered victims of assault with their own bodies. I have seen feats of strength and courage I never thought possible, all this just because of a uniform and an ideal. Not by Faith since there is surprisingly few Christians in the Guardian Angels.
What the uniform gave these young people was identity. Identity and respect that they could never have gotten on their own. And when you are treated with respect you grow up to be respectable.
The uniform is so much more than visibility, it is so much more than just clothes. It is a very powerful tool, a tool that affirms that we are soldiers in a battle, that we belong together and that we belong to God. Every time I put my uniform on it is a profetic act, an act wher I say YES to God, I say here I am send me, use me! We need a uniform that fills all these purposes, one that is practical in battle on the streets, one that will make young people say wow, I want to look like them. But also one that will make people turn their heads when we walk down the street, and one that will remind us of the war, the casualities but most importantly the captain of the host, our saviour Jesus Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our victory!
I’ve been informally campaigning for a ‘battle uniform’ for years, over here… combat trousers and a t-shirt with the shield on the front and the “I’ll fight” quote on the back… 😉
For year I wanted to wear my black army pants with combat boots, a beret and a salvation army shirt. Just thinking of it gave a certain sense of empowerment and authority. It was also something I felt I could do anything in not worrying abut dry-cleaning or damage.
There is something to be said for unity and identity. The question should not be should we have a uniform. But should we not update the uniform as it stands today? Something more appropriate for everyday wear. As well as something cheaper. It seems crazy to me that at least in this territory uniforms cost 300+. Could that money not be put elsewhere?
Maybe berets, army pants and combat boots will become the new army duds to be worn throughout the week. I;ll be the first to put them on.
Peter Lublink
Personally I am looking at navy blue BDU trousers and the soldier blue shirt with the shield, then on top of that a knitted commando shirt with reinforced elbows and shoulders with epaulets where you could fasten the soldier tabs from the dress uniform. Combat boots and a navy blue beret a good complement, I have a nice SA shield made as a broch that would look spiffy on a beret.
It’s just that if we go all black people will think of swat teams and SS wich is not the image I want to portray.
If I go even further in my thinking I see different color turtle necks under the commando. purple for oficers, blue for soldiers etc …
And if we put pips on the collar for rank we have a grungier version of the startrek uniform 😛
[…] Warcry But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do « To dress or not to dress, is the uniform important? […]
The blue sounds pretty sweet. You sold me. The reason I said black was because in Canada swat wears navy blue. But the SS thing is a good point. Especially since we wear ‘S’s on our uniform. I am moving to Europe this fall, maybe I will get some blue fatigues before I leave Canada. If I am the only one in the area with a uniform no one will be the wiser 🙂
Whatever the colors, whatever the quote, be it scripture, Booth, or simply our red shield, my thought is GO FOR IT!! On the street or in the church, wherever you want to be ready to testify to Jesus and the Army.
After waiting for years to find cool ‘battlegear’ I’ve started meeting a number of people who simply made their own! They are proud of their church and their God, and not afraid to shout about it!
…I like the point about the training. When you’ve worked hard to attain certain standards and keep them up, the reward seems more ‘worth it’ and worth defending.
[…] that has been debated to the bitter end and back again and previously on this blog I have posted one or two articles about uniform issues as well. Either way I have some new experiences that I would […]