Chivalry is dead someone said when I brought it up. And with it came the death of ethics and morality. Well death doesn’t bother me much since I worship the King of kings the Lord of Life. If chivalry is dead we just have to bring it back.
Since I was a little boy I have been fascinated with the knights of old and their code of conduct. I would say that it was the knights of old that taught me how to be a man of today the more I learn about life in general and society in particular I see the need for a world wide return to chivalry. Never before have we more desperately needed truth, morals, ethics, values and most of all role-models for the next generation.
I see young men loosing their way in todays society, there is no formula, no code that will tell them how to be a man and therefore they do not know how to treat a woman. The results are often tragic. I see young women falling of to the left and the right, either by becoming so hard that they will never need a man or by fawning over men that carry the image of success in gold and jewelry but lacking in every virtue.
But I beg to differ, chivalry is NOT dead, the dream still exists. In our stories, in our fiction chivalry still prospers. It calls to us and beckons us to reach for something more, to aspire to something better. Somewhere deep inside everyone of us is the desire to be a better person, to be a hero, to be special. If you share that dream, I dare you to revisit the virtues of old.
I challenge you to explore the path of the holy soldier, the chivalrous warrior. As CS. Lewis put it to be a person both fierce and gentle. It is time to rediscover valor and personal honor, integrity and true love!