I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, mostly about what direction my life is now taking. Going into training college in fall and heading into Salvation Army officership. I look ahead and I just don’t know where the road will take me, while the path is clearly marked out the end is very obscure.
It is scary not to know where we will end up, to hand over the leadership in your life to someone you don’t really know, having to trust that your leaders have listened to God and that they will send you where He wants you.
The other road I am walking down is the road to knighthood, the knightschool is running and we are a good number of Squires but unfortunately no Knights. We need rolemodels who can steer us on the path and help us top reach that goal.
This blog being a fusion of my scrambled life will hopefully become clearer as the different paths I walk merge into one. Hopefully the WARCRY will be just that. A clear call to arms, a signpost pointing to the battle field, encouraging Gods people and all defenders of the Faith to step out on the battle field and play an active part in the salvation of the world and the battle against evil.
I will be here, brother and friend. I know we haven’t spoken in a long while, but all the more reason for us to do so again. I believe there is a purpose to what we do and what happens, and I will continue to show my presence here, and stay in touch as much as I can.
I hope you find the time to continue our conversation, for I have much to discuss and few to discuss it with. I have a calling, and I am not sure how to go about it.
I hope and pray you will be able to respond… and I will remain here faithfully.