CIMG2987Saturday I held a WSD demo at the Salvation Army womans day in Bauska. I was there in capacity of self defense teacher to maybe spark some interest towards our leaders day in may where we will be dealing with the subjects of violence, self defense and working in a hostile world.

Hanna was supposed to come and do the actual instructing and a aerobics pass to boot but due to sick children and weeks of sleep depravation we drew straws on who was to go and hold the event.

Having no assistant I decided to shanghai Karina Kozlovska one of my most promising students in the Riga WSD group. It being a womans day I wanted to highlight the fact that a small woman can defend against a larger attacker I quickly instructed karina that she would be the one executing all techniques on me. I also instructed her that she should show no quarter and that I might be adding some more hollywoodesque falls to make her technique look more deadly and powerful.

I was dreading the actual presentation since this was a lot of information to assimilate during the short prep time we had before our number was up. To add to the difficulty I also introduced Karina to the whole new concept of Fiore based posta as a foundation for all the techniques and added a few Fiore techniques she had never seen before.

I turns out I have a lot to learn about how tough Latvian women really are! Not only did Karina do a marvellous job with this new material, she also threw me down with the power and speed of a real pro, no need for me to add drama to her technique it was as hardcore as any fully fledged Guardian Angel Amazon I have ever seen. All in all it was a very successful demo and I was duly proud of my protege who proved to be a great training assistant.

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Greetings from Mexico!! 🙂

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