During the last couple of years many friends and people I do not yet know have told me to beware the slippery slope. They have in no uncertain terms let me know that if I start questioning the tradition bound given truths of the church that I would eventually loose my faith.
Today having wandered, slid, fallen, tumbled, run, surfed down this slippery slope I can say that it was all true.
Here are some of the things they told me about the slippery slope:
– You will loose your faith in the bible as absolute truth and authority
– You will loose your high view of Jesus
– You will loose your confidence in the church
– You will open your self up to the influence of other religions
– You will no longer be able to pray like you used to
– You will no longer be a christian
It is all true!
However what they didn’t tell me, and what I found was this:
– I have found a new and deeper love for the scriptures
– I have a new understanding of Jesus that is refreshing, renewing and transformative
– I have a newfound respect and love for authentic spiritual community
– I have found the light of truth and transformation in the most unlikely places
– I have found a new urgency, understanding and love for prayer
– I may no longer be a christian according certain criteria, but I have never followed Christ more closely.
on top of this I have also found:
– A sense of belonging and connectedness
– immense peace
– unparalleled freedom
– unconditional love
– scandalous grace
– deep joy
I have also found a love for myself and my neighbour I did not think possible. All in all, while the warnings of the slope have proven true the rewards have been literally out of this world!
How very true, I’ve found myself on a similar journey with similar results… Thank you for putting words to it Patrick!
Thank you for your comment. I would love to hear about your journey some day.