That's what it means to have Jesus in your heart

Today we had the last training with our bullyproof group. It has been a great term and we have seen some of the kids grow tremendously in confidence and prowess.

We had the pleasure of grading four students (which means that we put a black stripe on their white belts to signify progress.) Both Anja and Angelina got their first stripe.

After the grading we had a short elephant rumble (which is a playful sumo wrestling challenge) in which all the students participated. There where wins, cheers, losses and tears.

As we where changing clothes later Anja said:

At first I got sad when I lost but then my heart said “come on, you can do it”. She looks at me and says, no it wasn’t my heart it was Jesus. He said “come on, you can do it”, and I did! that’s what it means to have Jesus in your heart.

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