Yesterday I was invited to speak at EKHO (A swedish organisation for Christian LGBTQ+ persons). The talk was held at “Ågesta kursgård” which is also the site of the Salvation Army Officers school in Sweden and the place where I did both my application conference (for becoming a Salvation Army officer) and later my captains…
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,…
I have been asked over and over again why I joined TSA (the Salvation Army) and why I insist on remaining in TSA. I remember sitting at WBC (William Booth College in London) at a lecture given by the leader of the methodists of England, he said that the only thing that gives a religious…
Since I attended the conference on Radical Theology – Subvert the norm II, I have been asking myself what would a Radical Salvationism look like? Then I stumbled across the following quote by Cadet Christopher Footer in JAC Issue #45: There is only one God, and there is only one Salvation Army. That army however…
I recently received the following IM from one of my soldiers in the corps. I can’t or don’t want to continue as a Soldier … I feel that I want to fall in love, love and feel loved back. Therefore I wan’t to become an adherent. Personally this is one of the most heartbreaking messages…
The problem persists in the Salvation Army, of today. In which way can we include LGBTQ persons in our fellowship without creating groupings; an A team and a B team? How can the Corps offer (church) membership in the Salvation Army in a positive manner that allows LGBTQ persons to feel valued, appreciated and loved…
The church in general and the SA in particular (at least for the moment) in the aftermath of the Eyewitness News program “Cold Facts” – followed closely in FSAOF blog) is under constant attack from the public where the Church is called to account for the prevailing double standards and selective biblical adherence. There are…
So having spent nearly two years being told that we are going to be told where to go, we are now given a consultation where we have to reply to our appointment. It is a scary thing to be responsable for such a big decision especially after you have been lulled into the false security…
This blog has faded some as I have been concentrating on writing in Swedish over at the awakening heart (Need to brush up my Swedish for the upcoming move). We have now been in England for 18 months and will be returning to Sweden in August. We have been waiting for some time to receive…