In Veggie tales – King george and the ducky, king George asks Cedrik his favorite general, How goes the war? This simple little question echoes to me through time and space. How goes the war indeed? We as soldiers of God need to ask ourselves that question every day. We need to evaluate, reassess and…
So, that time of the year again, I have been busy this week preparing for Hannas birthday, with a rather cramped economy it has not been easy tho and we had to agree on what I was allowed to buy her. So on monday I set out in Riga together with my trusty helper Angelina.…
You would think that a community that promotes tolerance would actually show tolerance to other views. Not so in the heated debate about Intelligent design and the veracity of Jesus truth claim. Right now I am reading Lee Strobels “a case for” series of books. At the outset I found my faith growing and I…
So this saturday my old K2 fatboyz got some exercize again, I went to play hockey on blades, and boy was it Fun! It was 2 hours of hardcore stickwaving, rollerblading, sweating, torture for muscles I didn’t even know I had. So of I go to buy a hockey stick ’cause this was to much…
Last night after two hours of hardcore rollerblade hockey I sat in the car with Ron. I was appologizing for having to rush of right at the end to get home to my familly, it had taken longer than I expected, I wish I could have stayed end gotten to know the guys a bit.…
I have long pondered the question of church culture, while an evangelist in Sweden I was astounded how the Christians in church could stomach the message of the cross and the fantastic news of resurection and salvation without showing any emotion. I was told that it is just not within Swedish culture to give an…
After last weeks accident numbers where down on the self defense course, but a few brave souls showed up to keep up their training. Once again the Latvian women surprized me with their determination and resilience. Not to mention that they are actually starting to get really good both in the wrestling and sticky hands.…
I was reading this article over at Journal of aggressive Christianity A few interesting things came out of it. John Cleary writes of the Worship wars that the church is going through At the moment the Church is going through what may be described as the Worship Wars, a battle between contemporary and traditional forms…
After last weeks accident numbers where down on the self defense course, but a few brave souls showed up to keep up their training. Once again the Latvian women surprized me with their determination and resilience. Not to mention that they are actually starting to get really good both in the wrestling and sticky hands.…
Over and over again I see the image of Simon lying there on the floor with a broken leg, the leg twisted in an angle that immediately tells me that it is a very bad break indeed. Over and over again I go over the events that led up to that moment finding all the…
A bit after the whole whooplah of easter I find myself more and more wondering about the origins of this strange festival. It doesn’t take a scholar to realize that the easter bunny and the egg are alien to Christian symbology and that many of the traditions surrounding easter are not only maintained by capitalistic…
Today the oltermans went to the zoo. A whole day of gawking at wild animals at the Riga zoo. Normaly a trip to the zoo would hold no thrills for any of us since swedish zoos are very tame in comparison. But we where in for a surprise as the latvian zoo held an assortment…
I long for full freedom in the church, freedom for everyone to worship in the way they want to, in a style that fits them. Unfortunately we (and by we I mean most churches, in most denominations) are very uniform in our worship and uniformity I find completely inhibits freedom. It is hard to be…
Heard in the Olterman home this morning: – What are you looking for honey? – Jesus – Well look under the sofa. Thats your best bet! 5 minutes later – Did you find? – Yea He was under the dressing table.
Last night I held our weekly martial arts class, It was a particularly good class, the students where progressing fabulously and we had a disciplined concentration in the room. Everyone was focused on the task at hand. Then disaster struck! Simon lost his balance in a wrestling match, fell badly and broke his leg. All…
Last night I held our weekly martial arts class, It was a particularly good class, the students where progressing fabulously and we had a disciplined concentration in the room. Everyone was focused on the task at hand. Then disaster struck! Simon lost his balance in a wrestling match, fell badly and broke his leg. All…
So finally all the papers are in, mine two weeks ago and the girls last week, Thanks to Öbergs fixing us an Apostill on the papers … When I was in and handed in my papers, they where fantastic, so nice and accomodating I was shocked, not at all like when we where getting Hannas…
The year is 1998 I am standing in front of the town hall in a little town not far from murmansk. In front of me a young man is standing restless eager to join his friends. I am pleading with him to understand that Jesus truly died for his sin and that this is not…
One month in to my newly opened martial arts school, I am amazed at the speed my new students pick up the new techniques. The womens group have grown to 14 (nine if you count the ones that are commited) and the young women are showing alot of promise, they are starting to move like…
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything, and it has been a crazy month here in Latvia. So much have happened and we are now literally standing on the edge, ready to take the plunge.The month started with Angelinas Birthday party, we had a hous full of kids and parents, served hotdogs wrapped…
So Last week I started a WSD dojo here in Riga, running two groups every tuesday night one Womens selfdefense group and one regular WSD basic group. I felt I really needed to get started with my training again especially since I have no SCA fencing group here in Riga. But instead of going through…
So after two months in Latvia it turns out that I do not know any normal people at all, everyone I know is….Either working for the salvation army and living in the same building I live in or a member of some charismatic church in Riga. Not knowing the language makes it hard making friends…
We had a good class, with a few women showing up, I do wish there would have been more of them. But we got to it and started the long journey towards becoming warriors. A bit sceptical at first, but as we moved on to the actual martial arts techniques, one of the woman exclaimed:…
Finally after 2 months of clicking our ruby slippers together we finally have a home… So here I sit on top of a box in our new apartment, a faint smell of paint still in the air and our bed (that was supposed to be delivered today) nowhere to be seen. But still, there is…
Either what man having plenty of bibles, if he lose one bible, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till he find [it]?And when he hath found [it], he calleth [his] friends and [his] neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the bible which I had lost.…