Last night I passed the mythical 50.000 word mark on my novel S-tech – Soul Filter. The novel is not yet finished although it is definitely on the last stretch. The few who have read the first part of the book are asking for more so I guess I need to decide whether I should…
It is that time of the year again. Time to realise I have gotten older and ask myself what I did with the last year. As it turns out I have done quite a lot and think I may have much in the last year to be thankful for. I am in the middle…
So here we are week one of NaNoWriMo over, so far so good, I logged 18.000 words in the first week which si the longest piece of writing I have ever written. I feel a bit like Sam Gamgee when he stops and says: “This is it, if I take one more step, it’ll be…
As every other wannabe writer, I have a whole drawer full of ideas for books, both novels and theological fiction.It has always been my aspiration to put these ideas into action and publish some of them. As every other wannabe writer I have been putting this of for years. So I have decided this year…
From Wikipedia: Piracy is a war-like act committed by non-state actors (private parties not affiliated with any government) against other parties at sea. The term applies especially to acts of robbery and/or criminal violence at sea. People who engage in these acts are called pirates. What could this possibly have to do with Christianity? Christianity…
Insurrection: To Believe Is Human, To Doubt Is Divine by Peter Rollins My rating: 5 of 5 stars If you have been following Peter Rollins four a while you will find nothing new in this latest release, it is simply all those messages, thoughts, parables and stories woven together in a beautiful but very disruptive…
The old ram trotted past the weird couple walking ahead. An old man and his adolescent son, fear and angst reeking of the uprights, making their way up the old mountain path. The ram didn’t worry, he was to old. And certainly to old to care. He new it was his time, but each time…
I was in the middle of conversation at Street Church during the Malmö festival that the thought struck me. The word just popped into my head and fit so nicely on the tongue. Bonsai Christians. For those of you who are confused, Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing a plant in a tray (Bon…
We are talking about homosexuality, grace, church at the corps right now. It is astounding to note how much bad theology and how sloppy exegesis we have let become the foundation of our stance on the issue of homosexuality. It is scary to realise that we have let a handful obscure (hard to translate with…
A few days ago I was talking to a friend who was showing of a beautiful griffon inked on her arm, I let slip that next time we’d see each other I would be branded, she looked at me nonplussed and said “you have always been branded”. I was stunned into silence by the truth…
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He is definitely one of the great, author, theologian, thinker, philosopher. Lewis is mostly known for the Chronicles of Narnia but in the protestant church many have read Mere Christianity and a handful have ventured into his great discourses on theology like The Problem of Pain and The Great Divorce. My personal favourites are his…
Had I known that this was going to be such a dissenting issue I might have stayed away, I say might because I do not know that in the end I could have stayed silent on such an important issue as Gods grace and love. Our corps (which is still in it’s infancy as a…
So I am having a Conversation with Peter Baranowsky on Facebook about Love Wins and I am getting duly frustrated. I am probably not frustrated with Peter (whom I respect and love) but more so with the position that Peter and many of his fellow evangelicals have taken against … Against Rob Bell, against Emergent…
Here are my chapter by chapter reviews of Bells book Love Wins. Chapter 1: So far Bell is asking all the right questions. The questions we have all asked or wanted to ask, or perhaps been told not to ask depending on our particular church culture. They are uncomfortable questions, that will fill you with…
Have you ever loaned a book to someone who take ages to return the book? Have you ever loaned a book to someone who never returned it? Have you ever had someone you don’t really know ask to borrow a book and you hesitated to loan it in case you wouldn’t get it back? Enter…
What a brilliant day! When I logged in to my mail account I see that my preorder of Rob Bell’s much disputed book “[amazon_link id=”006204964X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Love Wins[/amazon_link]” and lo and behold Brian Mclaren’s new book “[amazon_link id=”0061854018″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Naked Spirituality[/amazon_link]” was autodelivered to my [amazon_link id=”B002FQJT3Q” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]kindle[/amazon_link].…
I used to love the song: “loosing my religion”, I don’t know the words, I guess I never really heard the lyrics apart from the actual title. I like the idea though, I like the idea of loosing or giving up my religious views in search of what is real, what makes sense and what…
It all started with me reading Gaunt’s Ghosts and the omnibus being to big to hold comfortably in one hand. That combined with the fact that Hanna does not like me to read in bed (the light disturbs her) made me get Stanza for the iphone. I didn’t think I would like to read electronically…
We have just finished a three week deep study of Jesus (The historical Jesus, Jesus’ personality, Jesus’ message). It has been a profound experience as we have been allowed to re-examine and question some of the foundations of our beliefs, only to find a Jesus that can still surprise and unsettle us, no matter how…
Walking down the street with Angelina, we are talking about life. I say to her: Did you know that creativity is a gift from God. Angelina smiles and replies: Cool, that means I get new gifts from God every day….
I am starting to understand grace, I don’t mean that I understand grace like a scientist can map and explain an H2O molecule but I am starting to grasp the concept of grace like someone who has dipped his toes in the ocean and started to wonder what it would be like to swim. It…
Here is the resources talk by John Eldredge from Advanced Bootcamp at Frontier Ranch 2010. [vimeo][/vimeo] Find the books here