Category: LGBTQ

  • Meanwhile in another part of the Salvation Army

    Meanwhile in another part of the Salvation Army

    The conversation is still going on. Johnny Laird (who kindly posted a blogpost about my article series on LGBTQ) reminded me of this excellent video segment from Just Salvos featuring an interview with Jay Bakker: [youtube][/youtube] I think the most important part of this video clip is the realigning of the LGBTQ issue from a sin…

  • LGBTQ part 12 – coming out

    LGBTQ part 12 – coming out

    Sitting here pondering and reflecting on some of the discussions that have come out of LGBT posts here on the blog. The first thing that strikes me is that there are so few persons leaving comments in relation to the high number of visitors. I think that fear may be a large factor, both for…

  • LGBTQ part 11 – Continued conversation

    LGBTQ part 11 – Continued conversation

    Following many words and much wrestling with the scriptures, doctrines, and my own faith, I have come to find, that no matter how I read the biblical text, I can never escape from my commission to love the Lord with all my soul, with all my heart and with all my strength. And to love…

  • LGBTQ part 10 – Recommended reading

    LGBTQ part 10 – Recommended reading

    Recommended reading Andrew Marin – Love as an Orientation – Elevating the conversation with the gay community. (Paperback – Amazon UK, Kindle International) Jay Bakker – Fall to grace – A Revolution of God, Self & Society (Hardcover – Amazon UK, Kindle international) Walter Wink – Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of conscience for the churches  (Paperback – Amzon UK, Kindle…

  • LGBTQ part 9 – The Salvation Army

    LGBTQ part 9 – The Salvation Army

    The problem persists in the Salvation Army, of today. In which way can we include LGBTQ persons in our fellowship without creating groupings; an A team and a B team? How can the Corps offer (church) membership in the Salvation Army in a positive manner that allows LGBTQ persons to feel valued, appreciated and loved…

  • LGBTQ part 8 – Four possible approaches

    LGBTQ part 8 – Four possible approaches

    There are probably as many ways to approach LGBTQ issues as there are people with opinions. What follows is a summary of the second half of “One family’s story” written by Bishop Paul Wenner Egertson and found in Walter Wink’s book: Homosexuality and the Christian Faith (pages 28-30). Bishop Paul Wenner Egertson depicts four different approaches to…

  • LGBTQ part 7 – Pastoral care

    LGBTQ part 7 – Pastoral care

    The LGBTQ issue has always created friction between the way we understand and interpret the Bible’s view of holiness and how we as pastors are to preserve order, caring for and counselling LGBTQ people. The greatest dichotomy is perhaps between whether we are called to “liberate” LGBTQ people or to have a conversation with LGBTQ…

  • LGBTQ part 6 – Double standards

    LGBTQ part 6 – Double standards

    The church in general and the SA in particular (at least for the moment) in the aftermath of the Eyewitness News program “Cold Facts” – followed closely in FSAOF blog) is under constant attack from the public where the Church is called to account for the prevailing double standards and selective biblical adherence. There are…

  • LGBTQ part 5 – Jesus

    LGBTQ part 5 – Jesus

    After a review of the scriptures that have traditionally been used to describe and condemn homosexual acts, it’s deemed important to consider Jesus’ awkward silence on the issue. It is not unimportant to note that Jesus did not speak out on this issue. Jesus is the head of the Church and the individual disciples’ headmaster.…

  • LGBTQ part 4 – Scripture

    LGBTQ part 4 – Scripture

    Of course, one must carefully consider the scripture portions that deal with homosexuality. It may be interesting to take into account the fact that there are six Bible verses (three OT and three NT) and two Old Testament stories traditionally associated with homosexuality. Set this against the more than 600 Bible verses that talk about…

  • LGBTQ part 3 – Science

    LGBTQ part 3 – Science

    Part 3 -2012 LGBTQ and Science Before moving to and delving into the depth of the biblical text, we might want to look at what science has to say on the GLBT issue, primarily to clarify the position (starting point) on which the following texts are based. An entire dissertation could be written on what science…

  • LGBTQ – Prelogos
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    LGBTQ – Prelogos

    I have written an extensive blog series (12 posts) on my Swedish blog about LGBTQ issues within the church in general and the Salvation Army in Sweden in particular. I was undecided whether or not I should post it in english as well, but when Sven Jungholm asked last week if he could translate and post…