Why are you doing this? Why do you take such an interest in the LGBTQ and sexuality? The question has been asked of me many times. By my leaders, by the people in my congregation and by my family. In fact I think it was my brother who asked the million dollar question one day…
I am not underprivileged, marginalised or persecuted in any ways. I am a Caucasian, heterosexual male with a DipHE in Theology and Mission. I am employed as a full time minister, doing what I love to do: to teach theology; to build and nurture relationships; to be a sign towards a mystery I may never…
“God is not sexual” my friend stated matter-of-factly. It is odd that he did because he also does not believe in god. How the god he does not believe in can be, or not be, anything is beyond me. It is a common notion though to separate the divine from the worldly. It is even…
There was this praise song on my favorite worship album, it always bugged me. “Take me, I am yours”, the woman sang with such throaty passion that it sounded almost sexual, indecent. I mentioned it once to a friend who told me, it’s just your perverted mind that hears it like that. I never broach…
I don’t know how I never saw it; One of the tenets of classical biblicism is faithfulness, I mean I even have it tattooed on my body, inked onto my skin so as to never forget. It is a label given to me by the voice of god on top of a mountain in wales.…
Why is this such a big deal? Why does it matter? It should be a non issue! This is what both right wing and left wing, conservatives and liberals are saying all over the place. In churches people are taught that their sexuality, while important, is not essential. Sexuality does not define you, or who…
Last week my friend Samuel decided to reblog one of my posts on LGBTQ and the church. Promptly someone questioned if I really had written the piece as I had taught a very different gospel at said persons confirmation camp. I had to reply that I have been (am still) on a long theological pilgrimage.…
LGBTQ Part – 2 “ We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and that they only constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice.“ These are the opening words of the Salvation Army’s eleven doctrines. And it is here that one must begin each theological discussion.…
Part 1 – Introduction From the Swedish – HBTQ: Homosexual. Bisexual, Transgender, Queer movement in Sweden 2012 It was an ordinary day (as if there are ordinary days for those who follow the Spirit’s leading), and the Holy Spirit tells Philip that he must go down to the desert road. There Philip is instructed to stay…
I have written an extensive blog series (12 posts) on my Swedish blog about LGBTQ issues within the church in general and the Salvation Army in Sweden in particular. I was undecided whether or not I should post it in english as well, but when Sven Jungholm asked last week if he could translate and post…
Insurrection: To Believe Is Human, To Doubt Is Divine by Peter Rollins My rating: 5 of 5 stars If you have been following Peter Rollins four a while you will find nothing new in this latest release, it is simply all those messages, thoughts, parables and stories woven together in a beautiful but very disruptive…
We are talking about homosexuality, grace, church at the corps right now. It is astounding to note how much bad theology and how sloppy exegesis we have let become the foundation of our stance on the issue of homosexuality. It is scary to realise that we have let a handful obscure (hard to translate with…
A few days ago I was talking to a friend who was showing of a beautiful griffon inked on her arm, I let slip that next time we’d see each other I would be branded, she looked at me nonplussed and said “you have always been branded”. I was stunned into silence by the truth…
I used to love the song: “loosing my religion”, I don’t know the words, I guess I never really heard the lyrics apart from the actual title. I like the idea though, I like the idea of loosing or giving up my religious views in search of what is real, what makes sense and what…
We have just finished a three week deep study of Jesus (The historical Jesus, Jesus’ personality, Jesus’ message). It has been a profound experience as we have been allowed to re-examine and question some of the foundations of our beliefs, only to find a Jesus that can still surprise and unsettle us, no matter how…
I am starting to understand grace, I don’t mean that I understand grace like a scientist can map and explain an H2O molecule but I am starting to grasp the concept of grace like someone who has dipped his toes in the ocean and started to wonder what it would be like to swim. It…
I am home now, the “old normal” is fighting to take over the “new normal” the memories are fading and it seems very far of all the important things that happened long time ago (yesterday) in a galaxy far far away (well a remote corner of another continent anyways). No new agreements have snuck in,…
What started as a nice, calm trip into the mountains (with a great stop at Dorothy’s for hot tamales) and a great first meeting on the thursday night quickly turned into a nightmare. I don’t know why it surprised me. I should have been more than ready for this to be a battle of epic proportions.…
The question is, do you know what you have lost? Have you like me settled for what is? Yesterday in the stress of coming home, getting ready, and (for me) getting ready for a trans-continental trip. Tempers flared as the kids acted up testing our patience and our love. After a long silence I found…
Today we had the last training with our bullyproof group. It has been a great term and we have seen some of the kids grow tremendously in confidence and prowess. We had the pleasure of grading four students (which means that we put a black stripe on their white belts to signify progress.) Both Anja…
photo © 2008 Lauren Manning | more info (via: Wylio) I am rolling the snow ball in the thickest layer of powder snow, it should be growing and becoming a large round body for our snowman. I have no idea why it’s not growing, I mutter mostly to my self. Ask God, Angelina shouts, I…
On Friday I took the girls to see Shrek – Forever after. The girls where excited about going to the movies and even more so how the glasses they where wearing would make Fiona come right into the movie theatre (3D is a marvellous thing) The movie starts with this beautiful family day and Fiona…
Do you need faith in god to be a knight? The question was asked on my youtube channel. The simple answer is yes and no! You must have faith to be a knight! Faith is one of the Knightly virtues and there can be no Knighthood without faith. How will you be able to believe…
Transparency is a buzzword in todays world and especially in the emergent circles. As a church we need to be transparent and as Christians we need to be transparent so that people can know that we are what we say we are and of course to battle all prejudice against both Christian faith and Christian…
Names are powerful things especially when they describe you well. In the Bible names where given to reflect the parents hope or their expectations. In all sorts of warrior cultures names where given to describe a warriors prowess and aptitude or a name was given for the warrior to grow into. In the Guardian Angels…