Tonight I am speaking at Riga 1 – One Way, about Gods calling on your life and how to find out what God wants you to do. And as I go over the subject in my mind I keep coming back to this wonderful thing self control. Say the word self control to a bunch…
So it is kind of fitting, we started our mission trip in Latvia 18 months ago living in the backroom of a church and now I am again living in one of the church offices (again thank God that the girls are not here for it, but are enjoying a sunny beach in Croatia). I…
So yesterday they changed all the windows in my apartment, which is a good thing. The draft through the windows that we cannot open properly is horrible. But once again I am foiled by Latvian work ethic. The workers promised me as they started out that they would close the doors to the rooms as…
[gv data=””][/gv] Trying out some video blogging here is the first of the eight chivalric virtues as explained by yours tuly. To accompany the launch of phase II of the knightschool project.
Captain Danielle Strickland posted this recently at her blog ArmyBarmy Remix. It was a very nice devotion and a good time to reflect on Jesus. [gv data=””][/gv] Comment with your thoughts
Why are we so afraid of solitude? I am now home alone as Hanna and the girls are in Croatia for two and a half weeks. And while I understand my feelings of emptyness and the feeling of purposelessness they are my everything… I find myself filling the apartment with sounds and lights, wishing that…
As most of you know we have been running a Schola Saint George study group here at Riga One. It has been the corps sports activity and a way to meet new people from groups we would not normally reach. As a pilot project it has been succesful and well liked by our youth and…
Yesterday I was struck with this thought, All our corps have such a large base of volonteers and people freely giving funds to our work and yet we have so little impact on the community around us. I am talking about the local corps here and not the Army as a whole. When I worked…
So time for my second īsta Mīlestība Gaida (True Love Waits) conference here in Latvia, this time invited as a keynote speaker, talking on the 10 myths of Love. Preparing for this event has been a pain because no matter how much time I spent praying I could not feel peace over my presentation. It…
There has been a media storm the last month ofer Scandic hotels decision to remove the gideonite bibles from all the hotel rooms after one complaint from a swedish humanist. Several swedish bloggers like Emanuel Karlsten have taken actions to reverse this decision by gently asking scandic “What where you thinking?” How can you remove…
I have been working non stop with the network and had no family time in weeks ….. It is time for a day of with the family!
So after our Spirit led meeting we headed home to have some fellowship, Björn wanted to meet the youth and to relax a bit. We ordered four large Pizzas and got drinks and ice cream. It was great. We ate till we where ready to burst and then we ate some more. The girls had…
Today was a really good day at Riga 1, Prayer before the service was powerful and the spirit of God was evident. The worship Rawked and on top of that The testimoys where so many and so powerful Sarah decided to skip the preaching, it was a real praise party! God is good and he…
I really don’t have anything to write today, so I’ll settle for a status report. I have an old friend from Malmö visiting this weekend, Björn Flintberg one of the old garde Tomtar och Troll people from the olden days. We are sharing a lot about how our life turns out and how he made…
Today we where visited shortly by Vic and Rose Poke whom held a short prayer at our coffe break. The word God had for us was from Isaiah 43:5 “Fear not, for I am with you…” And while most of us may shrug that of as something obvious I was struck by the incredible power…
Yesterday at Hannas request I gave her an apple and a hug for her birthday. It turns out Hannas brand new pink iPod shuffle doesn’t play well in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn despite what a superficial google scan might tell you. Jump straight to the summary if you are impatient…. I tried to add songs to…
So no blog post today, It’s Hannas birthday and I am swamped. I woke her up this morning with a whoopla, a latte with fresh pastries from Martinas Bekerija. Hanna had wished for an apple and a hug so I gave her and Apple Ipod-shuffle inscribed with the words from our wedding band and the…
Today is the traditional day of Saint George the patron saint of Knights, Scouts, Canada, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, the cities of Istanbul, Ljubljana and Moscow, as well as a wide range of professions, organisations and disease sufferers. Saint George is shrouded in Legend and no one really knows who he…
It is strange and almost humorous to watch Christer Sturmark argue against religious beliefs trying to sell the secular society as the only viable future of the world. In todays article in expressen Sturmark attacks religous beliefs with what can only be likened to a religious frenzy as he explains that humanistic values are the…
After a month of wobbling Anja is gaining her elephant, she has balance and control! Watch her walk here.
I was reading Brian Price’s Boook of the Tournament this morning. There was this passage talking about why we do what we do, that is suit up in full armor and fight in the chivalric tournament. And aside from fighting for the romance and the dream, aside from honoring the chivalric form we have the…
Last night when Hanna went to her small group I didn’t know what to do with myself I was bored… When I asked Hanna what to do she said whatever you do, have fun! So I decided to blow the evening off with something fun. I Downloaded [[Frets on Fire]]1 and hoped it would have…
After a lot of work the WSD website goes live. This site is to inform, recruit and gather the WSD – Warrior Self Defence martial arts school. This is a great moment for the school as this marks the finish of the conversion from a [[MMA]] to a [[WMA]] WSD now invites for study groups…
Being a full time missionary and a certified Linux proffessional I cannot help but watch how similar these two areas of my life are. The passion and sacrificial nature of the followers and the resistance of the world Both communities … …Are run by a mish mash of volonteers and large companies (denominations). …Have highly…
In my devotion yeterday I came across a piece of scripture that spoke to me about the Knightly virtues. 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. 2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs…