[gv data=”http://www.youtube.com/v/bngj67E2LY8″][/gv] The knightschool talk on courage.
Tonight I am speaking at Riga 1 – One Way, about Gods calling on your life and how to find out what God wants you to do. And as I go over the subject in my mind I keep coming back to this wonderful thing self control. Say the word self control to a bunch…
[gv data=”http://www.youtube.com/v/xjJOKDtYbyM”][/gv] Trying out some video blogging here is the first of the eight chivalric virtues as explained by yours tuly. To accompany the launch of phase II of the knightschool project.
Today we where visited shortly by Vic and Rose Poke whom held a short prayer at our coffe break. The word God had for us was from Isaiah 43:5 “Fear not, for I am with you…” And while most of us may shrug that of as something obvious I was struck by the incredible power…
Today is the traditional day of Saint George the patron saint of Knights, Scouts, Canada, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, the cities of Istanbul, Ljubljana and Moscow, as well as a wide range of professions, organisations and disease sufferers. Saint George is shrouded in Legend and no one really knows who he…
I was reading Brian Price’s Boook of the Tournament this morning. There was this passage talking about why we do what we do, that is suit up in full armor and fight in the chivalric tournament. And aside from fighting for the romance and the dream, aside from honoring the chivalric form we have the…
In my devotion yeterday I came across a piece of scripture that spoke to me about the Knightly virtues. 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. 2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs…
This prayer is credited to St. Ignatius of Loyola. A medieval warrior monk. It is a cry to God to become a true Knight, generous, serving, selfless in service of the greater good. A warrior of Love! Lord teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve You as You deserve. Teach me to give…
I got this sent to me on The Curia1 mailing list and I thought I’d share it. It is a fantastic prayer, aparently prayed by a templar knight before a battle in the holy land. Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord,…
As the grand finale of the SSG studygroup Riga semester we arrange a three day Fiore weekend in the marvelous latvian countryside. It will be a retreat with good food, fantastic teaching held by Colin Hatcher and lots of fun filled fellowship. We will also open up the doors for the rest of the Latvian…
So yesterday it happened the finale of our soldiers courses. nine soldiers where enrolled and two adherents where welcomed into the Riga one fellowship. It was a glorious day! The service was fantastic, the worship was heavy with the spirit of God and His presence could be felt in every note of worship coming from…
Throughout my life I’ve explored the concept of Love and found that the concept is always growing and changing before ones eyes the closer one looks. In the beginning I thought love only to mean romance1 but as I discovered more about the world around me I added the aspect of Eros2 but found that…
Tuesday we had the first graduation of the WSD1 Riga group. This graduation was supposed to be held long time ago but due to injuries, illness and childbirth it was delayed. The four students up for their first test didn’t know what hit them as I announced that today was the day of their test.…
There is a race on, theres always a race. Bring a bunch of people together and the game is on. Who is the best, who is the greatest who is number one. It is true outside the church and inside the church. Who is the holiest, who is the best preacher, who has the deepest…
A little more than a year ago I was present at Dataphones (A swedish [[ISP]] where I used to be a System Administrator) anniversary party. The secret guestspeaker was Christer Sturmark who spoke eloquently and with great panache about the information society and how we have arrived where we are today. I was impressed not…
Olterman family win the Bronze! Today is our eigth wedding anniversary. It is a miracle that we have made it this far. It also fills me with awe and wonder. If we can handle all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes and a sea of troubles, then there is nothing we cannot take on.…
Last week I was challenged by the instructor of one of Rigas swordfighting schools to a friendly sparring match. As I love to duel I could not resist but accepted willingly. I had met Nikolai once before at his school and I fought him by the rules they have there and I was delighted to…
Saturday morning I travelled out to Bauska to hold a full day WMA seminar. It was a clear morning fith bright sunshine and glistening snow everywhere. In Bauska we had gathered a group of 12 Young men and women who where eager to get started (The training hall was more than a little chilly) We…
Today is St. Crispins day. Maybe a good day to remember the war we are in and the cost to fight it. St. Crispin was a humble evangelist who worked as a shoemaker during the day and preached the gospel during the evenings. Together with his brother he evangelised the [[Gauls]] before meeting a very…