Following many words and much wrestling with the scriptures, doctrines, and my own faith, I have come to find, that no matter how I read the biblical text, I can never escape from my commission to love the Lord with all my soul, with all my heart and with all my strength. And to love…
Last night I passed the mythical 50.000 word mark on my novel S-tech – Soul Filter. The novel is not yet finished although it is definitely on the last stretch. The few who have read the first part of the book are asking for more so I guess I need to decide whether I should…
It is that time of the year again. Time to realise I have gotten older and ask myself what I did with the last year. As it turns out I have done quite a lot and think I may have much in the last year to be thankful for. I am in the middle…
So here we are week one of NaNoWriMo over, so far so good, I logged 18.000 words in the first week which si the longest piece of writing I have ever written. I feel a bit like Sam Gamgee when he stops and says: “This is it, if I take one more step, it’ll be…
As every other wannabe writer, I have a whole drawer full of ideas for books, both novels and theological fiction.It has always been my aspiration to put these ideas into action and publish some of them. As every other wannabe writer I have been putting this of for years. So I have decided this year…
From Wikipedia: Piracy is a war-like act committed by non-state actors (private parties not affiliated with any government) against other parties at sea. The term applies especially to acts of robbery and/or criminal violence at sea. People who engage in these acts are called pirates. What could this possibly have to do with Christianity? Christianity…
The old ram trotted past the weird couple walking ahead. An old man and his adolescent son, fear and angst reeking of the uprights, making their way up the old mountain path. The ram didn’t worry, he was to old. And certainly to old to care. He new it was his time, but each time…
I was in the middle of conversation at Street Church during the Malmö festival that the thought struck me. The word just popped into my head and fit so nicely on the tongue. Bonsai Christians. For those of you who are confused, Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing a plant in a tray (Bon…
We are talking about homosexuality, grace, church at the corps right now. It is astounding to note how much bad theology and how sloppy exegesis we have let become the foundation of our stance on the issue of homosexuality. It is scary to realise that we have let a handful obscure (hard to translate with…
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So I am having a Conversation with Peter Baranowsky on Facebook about Love Wins and I am getting duly frustrated. I am probably not frustrated with Peter (whom I respect and love) but more so with the position that Peter and many of his fellow evangelicals have taken against … Against Rob Bell, against Emergent…
Here are my chapter by chapter reviews of Bells book Love Wins. Chapter 1: So far Bell is asking all the right questions. The questions we have all asked or wanted to ask, or perhaps been told not to ask depending on our particular church culture. They are uncomfortable questions, that will fill you with…
Have you ever loaned a book to someone who take ages to return the book? Have you ever loaned a book to someone who never returned it? Have you ever had someone you don’t really know ask to borrow a book and you hesitated to loan it in case you wouldn’t get it back? Enter…
What a brilliant day! When I logged in to my mail account I see that my preorder of Rob Bell’s much disputed book “[amazon_link id=”006204964X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Love Wins[/amazon_link]” and lo and behold Brian Mclaren’s new book “[amazon_link id=”0061854018″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Naked Spirituality[/amazon_link]” was autodelivered to my [amazon_link id=”B002FQJT3Q” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]kindle[/amazon_link].…
It all started with me reading Gaunt’s Ghosts and the omnibus being to big to hold comfortably in one hand. That combined with the fact that Hanna does not like me to read in bed (the light disturbs her) made me get Stanza for the iphone. I didn’t think I would like to read electronically…
Walking down the street with Angelina, we are talking about life. I say to her: Did you know that creativity is a gift from God. Angelina smiles and replies: Cool, that means I get new gifts from God every day….
Here is the resources talk by John Eldredge from Advanced Bootcamp at Frontier Ranch 2010. [vimeo][/vimeo] Find the books here
I wake up Sunday morning, close my eyes in prayer and see a beautiful lake at the foot of a beautiful mountain with snow covered peaks piercing the clouds. My vision is back! I can feel peace and a quiet strength inside as I walk to the last session of the weekend. We worship and…
I look at the calendar, it’s the first of December!? Really? You have got to be kidding me! Where did the time go? I am on my way to Colorado for Advanced. Yet again I feel rushed, not ready. I was going to prepare, read some books, pray, ask God for advance words. Instead I…
I have now completed lesson three wit the girls and I have watched much more of the Bullyproof DVD collection to stay ahead. One thing that strikes me right away is what an awesome system to raise young cowboys and warriors. This system is designed first of all to create a bond between parent and…
So last week I started training Gracie Jiu-jitsu with my girls. Anja is four and Angelina is six years old (Angelina has been cheating by doing a term of Judo first). I signed the girls up at Graciekids and started with the first free sample lesson from the gracie games (crazy horse) and the girls…
At the latest symposium in Atlanta, Schola Saint George instructor, and my mentor was finally recognized as Magistro (the highest rank available in SSG). Here is an excerpt from the SSG website. On May 30, the SSG was proud to make a long-overdue recognition. Colin Hatcher, who was present in the first SSG class in…
It’s always there isn’t it! Today my father was in town and there was talk of them coming by our Sunday service. I spent all the extra energy to make it a spectacular service, after all my dad has never seen me lead a service nor preach, and I was so happy that he would…
I have long tried to envision the day when I finally arrive at the starting blocks. When I can finally say that I have come to the first step of my journey onwards. When you begin with the Martial arts it is a common misconception that the black-belt is the goal of any given art.…