Here is the Knightschool talk on honour, I think I will have to come back to this one as it is a very big subject. [gv data=”″][/gv]
Proposed as a tribute to the late science fiction author [[Douglas Adams]] it has been proposed that may 25:th should be proclaimed intergalactic [[towel day]]! In his legendary sci-fi classic [[The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy]] Douglas Adams describes a towel as: A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar…
As we are well in to the Knightschool week of courage we have done confessions, it is remarkable how hard it can be to confess. Everyone of the squires (self included) wrestled with the “What will they think of me, how can I ever look them in the eyes again?” thought. It strikes me that…
Tonight I am speaking at Riga 1 – One Way, about Gods calling on your life and how to find out what God wants you to do. And as I go over the subject in my mind I keep coming back to this wonderful thing self control. Say the word self control to a bunch…
Yesterday I was struck with this thought, All our corps have such a large base of volonteers and people freely giving funds to our work and yet we have so little impact on the community around us. I am talking about the local corps here and not the Army as a whole. When I worked…
So time for my second īsta Mīlestība Gaida (True Love Waits) conference here in Latvia, this time invited as a keynote speaker, talking on the 10 myths of Love. Preparing for this event has been a pain because no matter how much time I spent praying I could not feel peace over my presentation. It…
So after our Spirit led meeting we headed home to have some fellowship, Björn wanted to meet the youth and to relax a bit. We ordered four large Pizzas and got drinks and ice cream. It was great. We ate till we where ready to burst and then we ate some more. The girls had…
Today was a really good day at Riga 1, Prayer before the service was powerful and the spirit of God was evident. The worship Rawked and on top of that The testimoys where so many and so powerful Sarah decided to skip the preaching, it was a real praise party! God is good and he…
Today we where visited shortly by Vic and Rose Poke whom held a short prayer at our coffe break. The word God had for us was from Isaiah 43:5 “Fear not, for I am with you…” And while most of us may shrug that of as something obvious I was struck by the incredible power…
Today is the traditional day of Saint George the patron saint of Knights, Scouts, Canada, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, the cities of Istanbul, Ljubljana and Moscow, as well as a wide range of professions, organisations and disease sufferers. Saint George is shrouded in Legend and no one really knows who he…
I was reading Brian Price’s Boook of the Tournament this morning. There was this passage talking about why we do what we do, that is suit up in full armor and fight in the chivalric tournament. And aside from fighting for the romance and the dream, aside from honoring the chivalric form we have the…
In my devotion yeterday I came across a piece of scripture that spoke to me about the Knightly virtues. 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. 2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs…
This sunday Sarah preached on John 20:19-23, her message was actually about waiting on the Lord but this phrase got stuck in my head. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld. We all know that we are to forgive others so that…
Tuesday night when I was talking at Metro I described the tension between our ministry driven church programs and the call of God to an almost monastic life. It is my firm belief that God is calling us to worship Him before we do any thing for Him. It is also my belief that that…
This prayer was written by [[Thomas Merton]] in his book thoughts in solitude. MY LORD GOD, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I…
This prayer is credited to St. Ignatius of Loyola. A medieval warrior monk. It is a cry to God to become a true Knight, generous, serving, selfless in service of the greater good. A warrior of Love! Lord teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve You as You deserve. Teach me to give…
What a great Christian slogan! All joking aside this is one of the best videos I have seen in a long while… Spread the word! [gv data=””][/gv] This is why I am a youth worker for life! People where fine with me being a youth worker when I was 14 and noone even blinked when…
I am preparing a teaching for tuesdays youth meeting at Metro. I have been asked to preach on time, how to plan it what to do with it. As I am exploring my Ideas of Gods time or the art of becoming, I ran across this fantastic poem written by [[Toyohiko Kagawa]], a Christian and…
Sister Eleanor at the Evening Beaches Blog picked up on the conversation I had wit Graeme on which he blogged over at UK Salvationist. At the same time the discussion about uniform is yet again adressed over at Blod & Eld1. It all comes together in a discussion about our Salvation Army identity. Here is…
Reading through the encyclical letter of Benedictus PP XVI that was Brought to my attention by my good friend Björn. It is very long and deep and I will probably come back to this letter in later posts, it takes more than one read for a simple man like me. I do however agree with…
When Hanna preached in Riga one she said many things that where good but this just stuck with me and it really resonated with my own thoughts. Sometimes I feel like the only good thing in me is Jesus Christ! I don’t know about you but I can really realate to that, there are days…
I was invited to join Twitter last night. So i surfed in and found a page where you with 140 characters can explain what you are doing right now and get an RSS feed of it. WHO CARES! Really, I just didn’t get it. But I joined anyway, this was to absurd a community not…
Throughout my life I’ve explored the concept of Love and found that the concept is always growing and changing before ones eyes the closer one looks. In the beginning I thought love only to mean romance1 but as I discovered more about the world around me I added the aspect of Eros2 but found that…
Love, one of the most abused words of the english language, it almost slips of the tounge without thought or emotion needing to back it up. We say I love you almost as easily as we say I love pizza or I love spring. Sometimes we make it a big deal and sometimes we bounce…
One of the things that came out of our four day study of Jonah was that sometimes we as Christians seems to treat God like a well trained pet that does tricks for us. We have ready recepies of how to get God to do certain things in our lives. Whereas non Christians tend to…