A little while ago I posted this video on youtube: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnvmXFjXLo4[/youtube] And I got many interesting responses including this insightful comment from my friend and mentor Colin: This is the difference between honour and reputation. A traitor knight has a fine reputation but he has no honour. He cultivates his reputation, which governs all of…
I was just a little bit nervous as I set out on the journey to Wales. I was not prepared, I hadn’t prayed much leading up to this trip, I hadn’t read anything to prepare me. I was a mess. At the same time I knew that whatever I was in for I already knew…
It has again been a long time since i updated this site. This is not due to lost interest in things chivalrous or that I have abandoned the quest for knighthood. This has been a time of facing up to the latest challenge, stepping out into my calling, my purpose, my dream to create a…
The time has come for Angelina to start school in Sweden, as we do not live in the right neighbourhood where the corps is she will have trouble getting in to the same school as her friends from pre-school. Please pray that the impossible becomes possible for Angelina and that she will be allowed to…
The Apologetics Study Bible by Norm Geisler My rating: 1 of 5 stars This Study Bible while filled with a lot of amazing facts is a very biased book, it promotes a very specific strain of theology and therefore, in my opinion is a poor study bible for the serious bible student or scholar. View…
A lot of geeky posts right now, for that I appologize. But beta testing is fun. It is even more fun when people are doing old things in new and exciting ways. I have had my eyes on bumptop for quite a while. And now the mac alpha version has come out and I have…
Yesterday I posted about my 6 remaining Google wave invites. So far I have not had a single reply. I make one more try. I am looking for people interested in the emergent comversation or churchplanting. If I can find none, then I will randomly select people randomly from my adress book. If you want…
I have now received some invites for google wave. This has been something I have been longing for as the wave is quite boring until you have people to collaborate with. However, it is proving harder than I thought to choose who to invite. Therefore I will extend invites to people who can be beneficial…
I have done some beta testing in the past, mostly games (Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft) but now I am having loads of fun beta testing some other stuff. Google Wave So I finally got a google wave invite. Wave looks very promising but it is extremely booring. Having a wave account…
I haven’t posted a tech/geek post in a very long time but now I just feel I have to. As many of you know, I switched to Mac a while back and I must say I am fairly happy with the switch. Together with the switch to mac and getting an iPod came the switch…
My good friend Mackan asked me if I would get him ready for a MMA (mixed Martial Arts) competition in Belgium in October and I could not resist the opportunity to do some ground fighting and to work on my standing game. And while my Fiore Abracare skills are up to specs, I am unsure…
Wow, it has been a long time since I had time to sit down and write a blog post. Do I have time right now? Not really. Be that as it may, here I am writing. Since wrote last I have been to Boston where we had a fabulous SSG gathering and where I graded…
In the midst of our essay madness, apartment hunting and the girls getting ill it is time for another trip. I thought that Rent-A-Don was going to be my only Longsword event this year but as it turns out I will be going to another one. When asked to come to the get together in…
“God has chosen to make known this great message, which had for long ages been a complete secret. It is an unprecedented, radically inclusive message. It is not just for the Jewish people but for people of all cultures. The secret is unspeakably rich and glorious, and here it is – The secret message ,…
Writing my New Testament essay on the Kingdom of God, I fear the Kingdom may fully come before I finish.
We are moving to Malmö (as most of you know) and as it is we still have no place to live. We are looking for a place close to the corps as we are hoping to plant a new corps parallel with the old one in that building. It is not easy to find a…
Long time ago (I believe it was at Double wars 2004) I decided I must go to Rent-a-Don. Unfortunately it has never been possible, until now. I live in England what could possibly stop me from going to an event here. So last week I resolutely packed my bags and picked up my tickets (Sponsored…
After a conversation with our CS I can now let you know that the long awaited post about our orders will be posted tomorrow at noon (GMT+1) So, soon and very soon ….
I am deeply moved by all the kind words and prayers we are receiving on Facebook, and via email today as we are getting ready for maybe one of the most important meetings of our lives (well at least for the next couple of years!). Keep praying guys, we really need it! And all the…
At two o’clock today we will commence our appointments consultation. Trying to be prepared is very hard as we do not know what to prepare for, so if you have the time, pray for us on this very important day. I have woken up every half hour through the night and Hanna has unfortunately contracted…
Tomorrow is the day when we find out what the Salvation Army has planned for our future. People keep asking me if I have figured out where we are going (like there where only one or two possible choices). But at last glance in the dispo there where about 160 corps to choose from and…
I have the theme tune of mission impossible playing in my mind constantly, and have all sorts of bizarre scenarios of what Saturdays consultation will be like. Most of them have some sort of feel of Mission Impossible or any other secret agent movie. I am reminded of the chapter in Brian Mclaren’s The Secret…
Trying to put my mind on essays is very hard right now as all I can think of is the upcoming appointment on Saturday. So I try to distract myself in any way I can. Enter Multiwinia. It is mindless stick-man slaughter, but in the age of post-modernism one has to ask what about stick-man…
Every now and then I must post a geeky post. It is just not possible not to do it because I am a geek. So I was looking for a game to play and blow off some steam. I was delighted to find a port of Neverball for mac but as great as the game…
This blog has faded some as I have been concentrating on writing in Swedish over at the awakening heart (Need to brush up my Swedish for the upcoming move). We have now been in England for 18 months and will be returning to Sweden in August. We have been waiting for some time to receive…