Category: Christian life

  • What was stolen.

    What was stolen.

    It is Saturday night, I am standing at the camp fire talking to some men about how it came to be that I went to Bootcamp. I tell the story of how I came by the book (“Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul” (John Eldredge)) quite by accident and how God…

  • Follow my reading …

    Follow my reading …

    As a Salvation Army Officer, pastor, public speaker, thinker, theologian and human being, I read a lot. And as I do I find some really cool quotes and interesting thoughts. I have decided to keep publishing these quotes and uplifting/provocative thoughts in a separate forum so that those who do not lie to read wordy…

  • A return to romance

    A return to romance

    Chivalry was born in the romances, Gawain and the green Knight, Le Mort D’Artur and the other romances are filled with this over the top rose tinted chivalry. It was a response to the cold scientific light of the renaissance but also a remembrance of a time, that while it had it’s own flaws, when…

  • In preparation of our orders – Army life

    In preparation of our orders – Army life

    So having spent nearly two years being told that we are going to be told where to go, we are now given a consultation where we have to reply to our appointment. It is a scary thing to be responsable for such a big decision especially after you have been lulled into the false security…

  • Changed to bring change.

    Changed to bring change.

    Found this clip on Brian Mclarens blog, listen enjoy and be changed!

  • Remember


    I lost my keys, again, I need to be writing an essay, I need to go to the library, and I must hurry to get my kids, and I cannot find my keys. Frantically I look through the flat, no luck…. Hang on a minute, what good is it to be a friend of an…

  • It's MY IPod!

    It's MY IPod!

    I have a brand new Macbook Pro, I had the older model that I bought just a few weeks before they released the new model. It was a great machine, great specs, great performance. But as the new model came out I got really sad. My machine was still a great machine but not as…

  • The things we take for granted

    The things we take for granted

    I was woken up in the middle of the night by our phone ringing of the hook. It was 5 AM and all the lights in the living room where blinking, then all went dead and we where without electricity. We woke up in the morning and the flat was cold and dark. I couldn’t…

  • Chim Chimeny, Chim Chim Cherooo

    Chim Chimeny, Chim Chim Cherooo

    As Cadets at the Salvation Army college we have the privilige of meeting a lot of officers. Some newly commissioned, some old in the game and some retired. What strikes me is how many of these officers seem to be burnt out and jaded. I do understand that being a Salvation Army Officer is hard…

  • New beginnings

    New beginnings

    The College has come alive again with the Prayer Warriors invading the campus and all the Witnesses returning from placement 4. The Warriors seems to be a good natured and fun filled session and we are looking forward to much interaction with them over the next year. The campus is buzzing with stories of the…

  • More Southwark adventures

    More Southwark adventures

    Our placement at Southwark continues and the last couple of Sundays (Before and after the week we had in Disney) I have been preaching, Both have been hard to prepare in different way.  The first one was hard due to the subject (sex), which has been a taboo subject in the church so long that…

  • Falling back into love.

    Falling back into love.

    I am currently reading the Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis & John Eldredge. It is fantastic to get a book in the hand where every paragraph hits you like a freight train and you must pause and let God settle the dust left from the impact. The book starts out by stating that: “above else,…

  • What a faithful God have I

    What a faithful God have I

    It is amazing how God deals with us. Today I was stood in the kitchen washing dishes when it came to me that God has truly been healing me the last week, the last month, but then I realized that it was not just healing it was forgiveness, and the healing that comes from realizing…

  • Pandoras box

    Pandoras box

    I have been staring at this post for a long time. Not because I have nothing to write but because there is so much to say and I do not know where to start. I am wondering if I chose the right title. Pandora’s box it sure feels like it, I opened a door to…

  • You are not on your own

    You are not on your own

    Hanna preached on God’s promises when in depression today at Southwark and God showed up! It was a great day and God certainly spoke to me. I have carried a wound with me since I was a little boy and I was moved from home to home (most of the time within the extended family).…

  • A good day!

    A good day!

    Today has been a good day. I started out early going to Saint Michaels. We spent seven hours doing talks on the Salvation army and chatting with the kids at the school. It was great. One of my favourite moments was when one of the boys after a really serious discussion on gang violence and…

  • Why do I need sword fighting?

    Why do I need sword fighting?

    IMG_8545 Originally uploaded by gilbertdeschamps Last week I was asked by one of my students, why do I need to sword fight? The question was asked with the implication: as a Christian, why should I spend my time on this. The short answer was of course ‘You don’t!’ but as with everything, there is more…

  • Intergalactic towel day 2008

    Intergalactic towel day 2008

    It’s that time of year again, to don our towels and march out proudly and celebrate Intergalactic towel day! The [[Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy]] makes the following statement about towels A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value –…

  • Weapons and Worship

    Weapons and Worship

    The last six months have been a desert experience for me, it seems that every time I am in any kind of spiritual training this is what happens, I feel completely cut off and dry spiritually. One thing I have realised lately though is that one of the reasons I feel so dry is that …

  • Be separate!

    Be separate!

    As a clarion call throughout space and time  2 Cor 6:17  challenges us to be different, to be separate. The more I try to shake the verse out of my mind the harder my mind is held captive by this simple statement that simply turns my life upside down…. Step out from the ranks of…

  • Holiness, Holiness is what I long for

    Holiness, Holiness is what I long for

    I found this quote here, and it really spoke to me, it is the core beliefs of Opus Dei,1 Whatever one is to think of Opus Dei this statement rings true to me. This would be how I see holiness, and as I see Knighthood as being a holy warrior this quote illuminates the way…

  • He calmed the storm

    He calmed the storm

    On our way to the Bible adventures camp the leaders team was supposed to replan the camp, with my injury and the Kozlovskas leaving in mid camp for a funeral we thought we might have to redo the planning at least for the second day where they would be gone. We did however get side…

  • Chivalric virtue #5

    Chivalric virtue #5

    Here is the next installment of the Chivalric virtues series, this time we are talking about generosity. Maybe in a much broader or deeper sense than what the word is usually assosiated with, but I think this is a core value in chivalry as well as in Christian life…. Please let me know what you…

  • Thoughts on loyalty

    Thoughts on loyalty

    In our small group yesterday we watched Swing kids to provoke our thoughts on what [[loyalty]] is and what it means. The movie is about a group of teenagers who like swing music at the rise of Hitlers reign in germany. And the teenagers have to choose between going with the mainstream and becoming hitler…

  • Chivalric virtue #4

    Chivalric virtue #4

    Here is the Knightschool talk on Loyalty posted on Youtube for your pleasure! [gv data=”″][/gv]