Hanna and I went to Kingston with Frank and Elsebeth Jakshoj to relax after a very demanding weekend. We visited the Disney store to Angelinas delight. After that we had a delicious mocha at Starbucks and then we went to get some takeout at a nearby japanese restaurant. As I am placing our order I…
I managed to sneak of to a computer with internet connection. The whole family are right now at Sunbury Court in London being assessed for officership. Not a minute is wasted as we are ushered from interview to interview and having to write several papers on theological subjects. It feels rather like an exam week…
Olterman family win the Bronze! Today is our eigth wedding anniversary. It is a miracle that we have made it this far. It also fills me with awe and wonder. If we can handle all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes and a sea of troubles, then there is nothing we cannot take on.…
For my grandmother who passed away last week, some of my fond memories,. If it doesn’t make sense to you, I guess you just weren’t there. God give her soul rest! Vävstol, växtpress, renfana, raggsockar kaffe termos, packlista, gummistövlar skidåkning, filtar, tio kaffe, te, sherry promenader, vandringsstav, mossa, köttbullar, julbord fjällvandring, njupeskär, folkdräkt, munspel Prästkrage,…
As I wake up this morning and look out over the rooftops of Riga, they are all covered with snow. Winter is truly here. No matter how much we deny it we are now entering into the dark part of the year and we must do our best to light it up and make it…
We have now had our fill of vacationing and are happy to be back in Latvia. It was very nice to bed down in our own beds and wake up with a freshly made Latte made in our own kitchen. Back on the job now I am getting ready to launch the fall program for…
I happened by a friend who needed help with some computer stuff, so here I am in front of a computer first time on my vacation.So far it has been good 27-40 degrees in the shade and a constant 26-27 in the water. Angelina Has started bathing a little bit carefully daring to walk into…
So we are enduring the unnerving heat of Latvia knowing that we are close to vacation time. Angelina is out of her diaper, heat was killing her and now after a week she is almost potty trained read more about that at Hannas blog. We are slowly getting ready to leave for Croatia (leaving on…
So the car is half fixed and in the end it will cost us 450 Lats, putting a serious dent in our non existing funds. Living in the center of Riga with two kids the car is an absolute must, we have to be able to get out of the city, since there are very…
So our car has been unusable since the last breakin and now we really have to get to fixing it! So today we towed it of to the mechanics shop to get it repaired. The first assesment is that getting the car up to par (so that it will pass swedish inspection and therefore so…
After a few days of no sleep, we are all a bit worn, and all the girls have a cold. Which obviously is worse for Anja who is having considerable trouble breastfeeding since she can’t breathe from her nose. Hanna is bedded down and I just pray I won’t be next.
We arrived at Ģimenes centers at 19:05 where Hanna was examined and told that she was dilated five centimeters, the contractions where strong and everything was moving along just as it had with Angelina. Hanna was devastated and convinced that she had another 20 hours of labor to go. I was secretly hopefull because I…
So we went for a checkup this morning and Hanna was disapointed to hear that she was only in the beginning of the opening faze. After checkups we went to Lido and Angelina enjoyed herself greatly at the different attractions around the Lido Grounds. Hannas mom who is here enjoyed Lido and gave many ooh’s…
At four o’clock last night the contractions started. And kept going steady all through the night at 9 o’clock they where 9 minutes apart. I was musing as was writing my post about the trinity on warcry, 1+1+1=1 That in this house 1+1+1=4 at least today It is quite surreal that we are going to…
It is mothersday, In church Angelina made a butterfly for Hanna and got flowers to give to her mother (Unfortunately the flowers was to much fun to smell and enjoy so Angie kept them for herself.) Hanna is in the last stage of pregnancy and we have mere days till the new miracle comes. So…
Now we are all legal aliens in Latvia, after several frustrating hours and some misunderstandings due to language confusion (why did they have to attempt that stupid tower of babel). Hanna and Angelina finally got their papers. So the whole of the Olterman clan are now here legally, well theres still a little alien in…
So, that time of the year again, I have been busy this week preparing for Hannas birthday, with a rather cramped economy it has not been easy tho and we had to agree on what I was allowed to buy her. So on monday I set out in Riga together with my trusty helper Angelina.…
Today the oltermans went to the zoo. A whole day of gawking at wild animals at the Riga zoo. Normaly a trip to the zoo would hold no thrills for any of us since swedish zoos are very tame in comparison. But we where in for a surprise as the latvian zoo held an assortment…
So finally all the papers are in, mine two weeks ago and the girls last week, Thanks to Öbergs fixing us an Apostill on the papers … When I was in and handed in my papers, they where fantastic, so nice and accomodating I was shocked, not at all like when we where getting Hannas…
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything, and it has been a crazy month here in Latvia. So much have happened and we are now literally standing on the edge, ready to take the plunge.The month started with Angelinas Birthday party, we had a hous full of kids and parents, served hotdogs wrapped…
Finally after 2 months of clicking our ruby slippers together we finally have a home… So here I sit on top of a box in our new apartment, a faint smell of paint still in the air and our bed (that was supposed to be delivered today) nowhere to be seen. But still, there is…
Ok, so we are settling into some semblance of routine, but no matter how we try our life keeps getting interrupted by all these attacks. First the car and loosing all our favorite worship albums (our complete Delirious? collection) Then we all get sick, starts out as a cold but pretty soon it is obvious…
Despite Salvation Army assurance that they never had a break in in their parking lot the second weekend here our car got broken into. This is our second break in since Christmas. This time they drilled up the door so the driver seat lock is completely busted. They stole the car stereo and all our…
Just as we thought we where getting used to the latvian climate the REAL winter kicked in. Hanna and Angelina are both home sick and I am at the office holding on to my health as best I can. The temperatures outside is between -15 and -20 and if you count windchill factors we are…
Second night in Latvia we arrive to our little hideout only to find that a Russian congregation have invaded the church hall and holding a charismatic meeting outside our bedroom door. Angelina decides after a short spell of shyness to join in the meeting. As the meeting is nearing its end people are falling to…