Category: Uncategorized

  • Autumnal ramblings….

    Autumnal ramblings….

    It was soooo hard to get up today and pray, it was like the world was swimming in a thick mist. When the alarm went off at six o’clock it just wasn’t right, the darkness clung tightly to all the windows and there was a chill in the air. Prayers was awkward and I rambled…

  • I declare WAR!

    I declare WAR!

    I have just had it with the Devils schemes on my life and on people close to me. So this morning I officially declared war on the devil in my [[Oikos]] (the network around me, my family and closest friends). So I hereby vow, for every family that is shattered in my vicinity we will…

  • It is time!

    It is time!

    It is time for Harvest in Latvia NOW! God told me this morning to stop being silly and just go out on the field and harvest, the time is now, the place is Latvia, are you ready?

  • Accepted!


    I just got a phonecall I have been waiting for, for some time now. The official response from the Salvation Army Officers school assesment conference. We have been accepted for Officers training and will if all goes well start our training in the fall 2007 in London Where we would be trained for two years…

  • Dance with me!

    Dance with me!

    The past days I have been working hard to get my prayer life in order, getting up at 06:00 every morning to get an hour of prayer in before the family wakes up and the workday starts. It has been great, apart from the fact that everything possible has happened to make sure I wouldn’t…

  • Hanna is ill

    Hanna is ill

    Hanna has been throwing up all night and she is not keeping any liquids, please pray for her as this is double hard for her, breastfeeding Anja at the same time. The silver lining is that I get to spend some quality time with Angelina today even tho she is being impossible, sensing that something…

  • Guitar trouble

    Guitar trouble

    So my electric guitar is singing on it’s last chorus. The head is cracked and I have to retune it between every song since its barely holding together at all. Prices for fixing it is higher than a new guitar so we will have to invest. For some this might be a prayer answered but…

  • Not for you

    Not for you

    As I was driving to Bauska today for a longsword workshop I was passed by a Lexus doing at least double my speed. On the license plate was the tantalizing message “NOT4YOU” Isn’t it just a typical sign of todays society, the here but not any further mentality. It’s the I am better than you…

  • Prayer cover

    Prayer cover

    It is a wondrous thing, having people pray for you…. last thursday when we where having our interviews for officership we had many people praying for us. People in Riga where praying and people in Sweden both from our corps and Nationally and that day everything went fantastic. Even better than fantastic, Angelina was behaving…

  • The wonderful thing about prejudice

    The wonderful thing about prejudice

    Before me and Hanna went to sweden to visit the officers school we where full of prejudice, we thought the school would be dry and boring, the treaching dull and the teachers likewise. But we where wrong, the teaching we recieved at OS was excellent and the teachers where lively and engaging. We where challenged…

  • Our week at Ågesta

    Our week at Ågesta

    Just home now from an exciting week in Sweden. Hanna, the girls and I have spent one week at the Swedish Officers school in Ågesta to, among other things, be interviewed for possible officership. It was a fantastic week in Sweden with sunshine everyday and the beautiful views of the Stockholm archipelago where the OS…

  • Longsword group kick off.

    Longsword group kick off.

    So last night we finally got going with the longsword training. It has been long coming and I have waited long for it to start. We where seven people and I do not think we could be many more in the hall unless we learn how to be more efficiant with space. We did some…

  • One way, website!

    One way, website!

    To promote the youthwork in Riga 1 we have now put up a one way website where the youthgroup leaders will be blogging about the youthmeetings and their Christian walk. It is really exciting when the youth are doing all the work, it always end up better than I could have done it … Check…

  • Longswordclasses moved to tuesdays

    Longswordclasses moved to tuesdays

    Due to the busy schedule at the Riga1 corps we have chosen to move the Schola saint George class to tuesdays at 18:45 and we will therefore be starting on tuesday the fifth! Be there or …..

  • Ordinary heroes

    Ordinary heroes

    Staying in Croatia, where the temperatures sometimes climbed up to 38 degrees celcius in the shade, we stayed in with the clima some days and watched television. Some of our favorite shows where showing reruns and it hit me that one of the qualities I like in a TV show is that they have characters…

  • Sign up for our longsword classes

    Sign up for our longsword classes

    This fall we will start with a western martial arts class based on Fiore Dei Liberis treatises from the 15th century. It will be a class going through a very fluid and coherent martial arts system with everything from wrestling to longsword fighting, with the longsword fighting being the main focus of the course. It…

  • To the extreme!

    To the extreme!

    I might as well confess that I am an adrenaline junkey, I love the thrill when my body surges with adrenaline and danger is imminent, this is why I’ll throw myself out on a steep hill feet strapped down to a small board braving ice and snow, just to feel the wind in my hair…

  • Are you a believer or a disciple?

    Are you a believer or a disciple?

    My father have been here for a couple of days and even tho we may agree on many practical things we seldom see eye to eye on spiritual matters. One thing that kept coming up in different conversations was whether or not you have to take your faith in account in every situation. The underlying…

  • Let’s take a stand

    Let’s take a stand

    I am not much for celebrity campaigns, but this campaign is one that has not only been around for a long time (started with live aid and has been going for as long as I can remember). Now The world is ready to deal with the Poverty problem, so lets join up and make it…

  • I’ll never get it…

    I’ll never get it…

    Today I stepped out on the playground to have a chat with Graeme and Zoe as we where talking I heard shouts from the other side of the parking lot. It’s clearly a quarrel and as I am contemplating whether or not I should move in I see the first strike fall. Telling Graeme to…

  • Delirious?


    We couldn’t believe it when we heard it, we still couldn’t believe it when we had the tickets and yesterday it was finally time. [[Delirious?]] played their first concert in Latvia, and we where there. And as if that wasn’t a blessing enough we also had a baby sitter so both me and Hanna could…

  • Good men aren’t found, they are made.

    Good men aren’t found, they are made.

    It is not easy being a man in todays world, sometimes it seems like the whole world conspires to make it as hard as possible for us. In a world like this is you’re not a good man by accident, It takes hard work and good support. But good support doesn’t grow on trees that…

  • Consolidating the blogs

    Consolidating the blogs

    I have realized that all this blogging takes time, and I cannot possibly keep up with three blogs, so I have decided to make it into one and use my categories more carefuly. I hope you wont mind, you can still get the individual blogs by their feeds, here are the links so you can…

  • The test of courage

    The test of courage

    This friday I was asked to speak at Riga 1 Play scheme, a one week daycamp for the children connected to the church and Patvarums. Every day of the week they had been watching a part of the Narnia movie and talking about it, I was asked to talk about the armor of God From…

  • Pastoral calling

    Pastoral calling

    For as long as I remember, I have felt a pull to the great cities and tho I love the quiet of the country side for a brief visit I could never envision living there. This week while I was out driving through the pastoral landscape of Latvia I had a strange thought. So what…