God is love, the divine source of all. Eros is a fundamental aspect of that divinity.
“Eros is the outrageous love, which moves the sun and the stars, which is the very heart of existence itself.”
Marc Gafni – A return to Eros: The radical experience of being fully alive
When Eros flows in a person, out of a person, between people, it becomes a sacrament, a manifestation of divine Eros. Eros is part of what what makes us human and therefore a celebration of both the divine and human in us.
This is my love song to the divine. The light, the dark, the parts where I was confused and the parts where I believe I have touched on truth. It is my questions, and for what it is worth my answers to them.

Pirate Theology
When we step out in to the blue, aim for the horizon and leave the safe and known behind, when we take a stand to defend the commons then we become pirate theologians (with all the positive, or romanticized aspect of that image, and perhaps unfortunately, sometimes some of the negative).
Our purpose is not confrontation, or to somehow take over the establishment.
No, our purpose is to gather in these wild, lawless islands and live out: a rag-tag but true, lawless but loving, tradition-breaking, but not without tradition, or simply a radically different Christianity that does not actively threaten the normal Christian daily life in any other way than that it exist.

Queer Theology
“queer” refers to the erasing or deconstructing of boundaries with respect to these categories of sexuality and gender.
So in the sense of erasing boundaries, deconstructing societal norms of traditional marriage and relationships and sexuality, I am queer. I apply a queer philosophy to life and a queer theology to my spirituality.
“to ‘queer’ something is to turn convention and authority on its head. It is about seeing things in a different light and reclaiming voices and sources”
Patrik S. Cheng, “Radical Love”
This has been my practice, both in theology and theopraxi, on my spiritual path and in my everyday life.

Chez Geek
This is my personal blog and every now and then I blog about my more geeky projects and fandoms.
To be a geek is to be unashamedly and deeply passionate about something. That is to have a lot of Eros/passion for a subject.
So occasionally I write book reviews. Or write about boardgames, miniature wargaming and Roleplaying games.
There may also be the odd travel journal with diving reports.
And last but not least techno babbel.
I wish you a very queer Christmas
Christmas is by far the greatest secular holiday. Within Christianity, most Christians would argue that it shouldn’t be; that Easter should be the greatest Christian holiday. I disagree. I think the incarnation is the greatest miracle imaginable. As I have written elsewhere: Christmas is first and foremost a celebration of our humanity. It is the […]Theoerotics!?
Theoerotics … those that know (me) assume they know the answer, those that don’t, aquaintences sometimes ask, or smirk dismissively. Walking away making assumptions of the what, the how and the why. This blog has in the past adressed this topic and failed to uncover it’s dirty secrets. As this text will fail to uncover […]The perfect coming out …
Coming out is an important rite of passage for all queer persons. It is the act of revealing to the world who you really are and as such it signifies the end of hiding. I have written elsewhere about coming out as a sacrament: the act of outwardly expressing your inner grace. September 2012 I […]Blood is thicker than water – the birthday reflection
Turning 50 is a divider that cuts through life with the sharpest edge. It calls for contemplation and reflection more than it conjures up visions and dreams of the future. When my father turned 50 he lightheartedly announced that he was now in the “death half” (döhalvan) of life. It is the time when (hopefully) […]Books that changed my life
The catalyst that changes the direction of a persons life can be very differnt depending on who you are, for me it often starts with a thought and from having the thought I would seek out books to learn more and the books would help me to shape or resahpe my reality. This series is […]The god of passionate lovers…
We love, because we are loved. Eros calls to us from the deepest depths of our worldly existance. Built into the very core of reality is the desire for union, the desire to fall back into oneness. To enter into union is to step, naked and vulnerable into the holy of holies, the inner sanctum […]
armyguy Bible Books called to be me Christian life church coming out conversation daring greatly desire emotions Faith feminine geeky God grace heaven holiness jesus kingdom LGBTQ life life is my religion love marriage masculine mystery Officership Orders OS pirate theology poly Process Theology queer queer theology relationships sacred sexuality Salvation Army sex sexuality shame theology Theopoetics truth vulnerability