Category: Uncategorized

  • True freedom!

    True freedom!

    Freedom can mean alot of different things to a lot of different people. To some people freedom means not being locked up, to some it means that you are able to say whatever you want and to others it might mean to be allowed to walk with no clothes. For a Christian however it is…

  • She peed on me!

    She peed on me!

    So we have been a little worried that Anja hadn’t peed yet, but today as I was snugglig her up in my armas after bathing her I felt how I got all warm and fuzzy, well at least warm and wet as a flood came pouring through the towel soaking my shirt. Proudly I called…

  • Fighting the wrong battle?!

    Fighting the wrong battle?!

    The other day I was asked to sign a petition against the Latvian pride parade. Now since I do not understand latvian very well and couldn’t read the exact wording of the petition I might be making a chicken out of a feather here… I am told that last year a pride parade was held…

  • Oh, It’s all coming back to me now.

    Oh, It’s all coming back to me now.

    It’s 03:22 and guess what, I am not sleeping…. as per normal. Anja is holding a birthday vigil to make sure she is celebrated properly. Hanna is asleep, hopefully dreaming of cows and producong milk (as she has none yet). Angelina sleeps also and Anja is resting on my other arm, hopefully fallling asleep. Every…

  • The three C’s

    The three C’s

    As I was writing over at our family blog I am realizing that my observations on parenthood carry over to my spiritual life once again. As the list of Anjas needs is very short so is the list of our spiritual needs. Clean, Close and Calories. That is all we need. We need to have…

  • Going to Ģimenes centers now!

    Going to Ģimenes centers now!

    Oki so Hanna has been braving the contractions at home for a few hours now and we have decided to leave for the birth clinic. Keep us in your prayers as we go the last mile on this pregnancy! Next time I post I will be the proud father of two and give you all…

  • 1+1+1=1


    Yesterday I had to teach on the deepest mystery of Christian faith, the trinity. And as I prepared I realized that no matter how much I read and no matter how much I prayed I would never get beyond the words of the nicean council, “una substantia, tres personae” or in simpler language 1+1+1=1 And…

  • The challenge of everyday life!

    The challenge of everyday life!

    I was reading Graemes blog – uksalvationist and had to comment on it. The fact is that most initiatives to bring fire to the people of God are for young people and rightly so seeing that round 80% of all that come to Christ do so in their teens, but what is there for us…

  • 0MG tEh Ubah Fluff!

    0MG tEh Ubah Fluff!

    So I have had the privilige to spend a day tweaking my computer, since I had to spend some time upgrading the office XDMCP server to Dapper! And OMG! I have always been a sucker for Eyecandy so I have been waiting for e17 but now I sense that even Gnome and KDE can compete…

  • Expectant faith

    Expectant faith

    As me and Hanna are expecting the birth of our second child any day now I have discovered what Christian life should truly be like. As I look upon my wife I see the signs clearly she is ready to give birth and it can happen any minute. However, since we do not know the…

  • Initial contact with Schola St. George

    Initial contact with Schola St. George

    Today I sent of a letter to start a study group under Schola St. George. With Graeme me and hopefully some other enthusiasts we will embark on the great adventure of learning longsword according to fiore.I am now looking for wooden wasters at affordable prices and as close to Latvia as possible. I am also…

  • Officers?!


    This week we are filling out our applications for officers training, please pray with us as we embark on this new adventure. It has been long coming for us and even though I think we have known since our enrollment as soldiers that we where headed this way it is still a bit scary to…

  • The attack of the fluffy bunnies

    The attack of the fluffy bunnies

    A new breed of salvationists are infiltrating our corps, a breed of Christians who want to transform the army in their likness, to become not a marching army but a circle of fluffy bunnies who cannot possibly offend anyone. (This is an offensive post, but for the record, I do love all fluffy bunnies, they…

  • To dress or not to dress, is the uniform important?

    To dress or not to dress, is the uniform important?

    So today we had a visit from our TC, Hasse Kjellgren. One of the topics that was discussed was uniform, some people got agitated because they like the uniform and some got angry because the uniform should not be a big deal and therefore, a waste of time to discuss. The argument for the uniform…

  • Lonely among many

    Lonely among many

    Today is a black day, it seems that in the midst of the raging battle we are left alone to fend for ourselves. We being part of the Salvation army, but not apparently in the Salvation Army system. I am just now realizing how valuable it is to have an organisation backing you at home…

  • Jesus Geek meets Ubuntu freak.

    Jesus Geek meets Ubuntu freak.

    Today I spent half the day upgrading my computer to the beta version of ubuntu linux. Ubuntu linux is a [[Linux distribution]] funded by a [[philantrope]] who wants a good easy to use home user operating system to be spread out to the masses, and hopefully with it the ideology of ubuntu. Ubuntu linux also…

  • Time for Dapper

    Time for Dapper

    So today I made the plunge on my main machine, I have been running dapper for a while on my laptop but I just felt it was time to upgrade my desk. So here we go, I am now running Dapper on my main computer, and provided the next week goes smooth I will be…

  • Shhh! God lives here.

    Shhh! God lives here.

    Last nights youth service was a disaster. Everyone was late including me, ten minutes after we where supposed to meet, I realize that all the dates on next months program is wrong and I had just cut up 120 flyers by hand, so I had to start from the beginning. We didn’t have time to…

  • What color is your spirituality

    What color is your spirituality

    So The last days have been days colored in the three colors of the NCD trinitarian compass. The NCD concept is not new and there was nothing in the conference that was truly astounding or revolutionary and I think that is the strength of NCD. It just confirms what we already know from the bible.…

  • What kind of soda are you?

    What kind of soda are you?

    So I am of to an NCD conference with Christian Schwartz today, so I won’t be blogging but I found this at, incidently I recently found Dr. Pepper wich is my favorite drink, at Stockmanns here in Riga it was a victory. Finally I can celebrate those small moments in style. You Are Dr.…

  • Metro – 16th of may

    Metro – 16th of may

    So I was preaching at Metro last night, When I entered the place was empty save the three people who had arrived ‘early’ that is at 19:00 when the meeting started. The organizers appologizing that there was a hockey game on tonight (Latvia vs. Norway) so it would be a somewhat smaller crowd. As more…

  • Sin is our Kryptonite

    Sin is our Kryptonite

    If you are saved by Jesus and born again, you are a new creation in Him. You are an Alien to this planet. With your home being in a dimension far far away. Sent out through time and space to bring a message across the great divide. If you listen to the Bible you ARE…

  • The miracle of becoming

    The miracle of becoming

    Being and doing, I hear these small catch frazes everywhere and I think they both miss the mark. If we concentrate on the doing we become busybodies that rush off in our own power and burn out for God. If we on the other hand focus on the being we become introvert spiritual navelgazers and…

  • Crossing the rubicon again and again and again

    Crossing the rubicon again and again and again

    Life is about the little choices made every day. And even though life as a Christian begins with a U-turn, turning away from darkness into light, Holiness is making that same choice a thousand times every day for the rest of your life. Every choice you make will take you closer or further from God,…

  • Truth or grace

    Truth or grace

    We need to be like Jesus, all forgiving and all loving, showing mercy and empathy towards a lost and confused world. And at the same time we need to be uncompromizing in our adherence and devotion to the truth of God. When I first got saved, it was 1991 in Heratige baptist church, Lebanon Missouri…