Category: Uncategorized

  • It’s official, I am going to WMAV 2005

    It’s official, I am going to WMAV 2005

    I am soooooo excited, thanks to my Sensei and friend Colin Hatcher I am going to WMAV 2005. I am so looking forward to this. It is the Swordplay event of the year. All the best fighters there to teach us how to swing steel. And I get to spend a few days with my…

  • Why are you here?

    Why are you here?

    I was having a youth get together in Bauska last night, and I asked them why they where attending the corps, Why they where coming to the youth meetings, the answers where no different from what I would get in any other youth group but they still sent a chill down my spine. I have…

  • Going to Dobele church of Christ.

    Going to Dobele church of Christ.

    I was called to preach in Dobele church of Christ today, and I spent hours agonising over what to preach. Knowing nothing about the church I was about to preach in it felt like I was flying blind. I asked God what to preach on and Gods answer was, do what you always do… Preach…

  • Christian Segno

    Christian Segno

    As we are starting our new Christian martial arts school, we have decided to let go of the eastern martial arts and take up western martial arts. There are several martial arts systems created in the western world and one of the most successful ones have been penned down by [[Fiore dei Liberi]] in his…

  • Finally….


    After what seemed like forever (eight days) my Sword arrived. I’ts a Hanwei – practical Longsword and I am surprised by the quality of the blade and mostly the wooden scabbard that came with it, The hilt is perfect length and it balances perfectly just about two hands above the hilt. For the price I…

  • What kind of dragon are you?

    What kind of dragon are you?

    It’s a shame that the gold dragon requires magic or I’d have swung the “knight dragon” But I guess I am not yet as refined as a knight or a palading but have to be labeled a mere warrior, not that I shun that title. If it on the Other hand is a pern dragon…

  • Gods reminder.

    Gods reminder.

    God told me last night that I was being lazy, to much talk and to little hockey as we would say in Sweden. Anyhow, I was reminded once again that we are at war! And as soldiers of light we need to attack the darkness at every chance we get. God is a man of…

  • Midsummer at Riga 1

    Midsummer at Riga 1

    Yesterday we had a fantastic celebration of Jani with the Riga 1 youth, started of with grilling and a grand meal followed by games that we all enjoyed… Then followed by movies until breakfast (yes a lot of movies). At one time we watched Dress to Kill, my favorite Ediie Izzard DVD and as a…

  • fixing the bible

    fixing the bible

    Last night I was watching an episode of firefly. In this episode River the over intelligent sister of the doc finds Rev. Books bible, Book is the shepherd (Priest) on the crew of the firefly. River starts reading the bible and finds that it has flaws and that it doesn’t make sense so she starts…

  • Look we have a creepy crawler

    Look we have a creepy crawler

    We thought Angelina was quick when it came to physical development, but it might be that her sister has her beat. In her first minutes Anja lift her head up. On day two she fixed her eyes on her parents. and now not even three weeks she crawled of the towel she was lying on…

  • Obedience is better than sacrifice!

    Obedience is better than sacrifice!

    Twice today God has impressed this upon my heart, first this morning seemingly out of the blue, I heard God say these words. Then as me and Hanna sat through a preliminary interview to start of the process of applying to officers training I had to quote this word. There are so many Christians and…

  • Ambassadors of Christ

    Ambassadors of Christ

    Paul the apostle writes that we are called to be ambassadors of Christ. a job that we best take seriously. We do not belong on this planet and when we head back home we want as many with us as possible because this titanic of an earth is sinking rapidly. Today I had to talk…

  • It is now official

    It is now official

    We are a Schola St. George study group (pending the others membership fees tho). So from now with some sporadic training in the summer we will start in earnest end of august and hopefully finish of our elephant class by late spring/ early summer 2007. This is terribly exciting, I am just waiting for the…

  • Warning, wild parental bragging to follow!

    Warning, wild parental bragging to follow!

    So yesterday we spent the day at the Zoo and today we went to Lido. With Elma, Rebecca, Hanna, Nadja, Angelina, Anja and me we where quite a large group. Angelina was in a good mood as we got there enjoyed 20 minutes in the jumping castle before heading of to the playground where she…

  • Where the head goes…

    Where the head goes…

    The body follows…. At least that is what I teach in my martial arts class. Today we where at the Riga zoo wich is always a delightful experience. When Angelina was taking her afternoon nap and Anja was getting her umpteenth meal of the day we where sitting down by the zoo playground. One little…

  • Is chivalry dead?

    Is chivalry dead?

    Chivalry is dead someone said when I brought it up. And with it came the death of ethics and morality. Well death doesn’t bother me much since I worship the King of kings the Lord of Life. If chivalry is dead we just have to bring it back. Since I was a little boy I…

  • Now, oh now I am happy!

    Now, oh now I am happy!

    I just won an auction on ebay to get me a beautiful practical longsword for a third of the actual retail price! I am extatic, now I just need to figure out how to ship it from England to Riga. The sword itself is 44″ and a perfect sword for practicing Fiore di Libre. I…

  • Summer, finally

    Summer, finally

    Today we had sunshine and 26C It was a fantastic warm day and our apartement is boiling hot we are trying to open windows (That is the ones that we can open without Angelina climbing out through them). But at least it is now summer I sure hope the weather will hold.

  • The meaning of fatherhood

    The meaning of fatherhood

    I always found it hard to take the image of God as my heavenly father to my heart. I didn’t want a father like mine (one who lived in a different city, that i met once a year) or like my stepfather while I was in junior high who would get drunk and through whatever…

  • Party all night sleep all day…

    Party all night sleep all day…

    It seems like we have two teenage girls in the house, they are up throwing a party all night and the consecently sleep in in the morning. Anja was giving us some trouble between 01:00 and 04:00 when Angelina promptly woke up and decided it was morning. She refused to fall asleep and finally at…

  • I delight in you

    I delight in you

    When our TC Hasse Kjellgren was here a little while ago, he gave us a word from Zeph 3:17 and today Stuart stood up in service and told us that God had said to him, I delight in you. This is hard to accept for a sinner like me, I look at myself and I…

  • Alea iacta est!

    Alea iacta est!

    So yesterday I payed my membership to Schola St. George and they are sending the package we need to start a local study group here in Riga.I am like a kid before Christmas full of excitement and expectations, I just can’t wait! The two other guys who are starting with me are not payed for…

  • Have we forgotten the saints?

    Have we forgotten the saints?

    Sometimes I wonder, we have 2000 years of exciting church history behind us with heroes of faith and rolemodels to show us how to live a fantastic Christian life. And tho I don’t think the saints should be prayed to, I think we have a lot to learn not only from the heroes of the…

  • All in all a good day

    All in all a good day

    Had a good day with Angelina today, Hanna is in a bit of pain and needed us out of the house, so I put Angelina in the sling and we went down to Valdemara playground (behind the art museum) where Angelina spent a whole hour pouring sand onto herself, loads of fun. After play time…

  • My favorite firefox extension

    My favorite firefox extension

    Of all my pet peeves in the world is when you reainstall firefox and all your bookmarks are gone, or moving from one computer to another and you have a different set of bookmarks than the one you are used to. I have tried syncing the bookmarks folder on different machines and it never works…